Best way to step down from being a servant

by RayPublisher 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Think seriously about staying 'in good standing' until any family members you want out, have gone.

    Then you can just walk away and leave the rest to their folly.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Pretty much the only "approved" reasons for stepping down are your own health issues or your family's health issues.

    From my own experience the "stress" "depression" card is a good one to play . . . and we all feel that to some degree at times so it's not a deception unless grossly overplayed. I was soon left alone . . . almost immediately in fact.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What Zoiks said on page one. NEVER say you have doubts. And if anyone misinterprets you and suggests to you that you have doubts, deny it.

    You are depressed and the pressure of additional responsibilities is hurting the spirituality of yourself and your family. You want to be able to focus on the spirituality of your family first, so you will need to be stepping down from MS in order to do that. If they try to convince you to just "cut back" on duties but remain a MS, stand firm in your resolve. Just tell them, "I am no longer a MS. I am taking care of the spiritual health of my family."

    Good luck!

  • RubaDub

    For the next meeting, paint your fingernails, put on some lipstick and tell the elders that you now pee sitting down.

    That should do it.

    Rub a Dub

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Stay focused. Remember you're in control not them. All the above are good suggestions. What has worked for me in not serving as an elder has been personal family related matters as a reason (exaggerated of course). Most on the body will respect that.

    Hopefully so as not to give the congregation the wrong impression, after the announcement, when it comes time to conclude the meeting they (I trust you have a discerning body of older men) may call upon you for prayer. That usually serves the purpose of letting the congregation know that you are still in good standing. Your wife will also appreciate their allowing you to close with prayer. That is the dignified way of handling it.

    Good luck.

  • jam

    Ray my friend here you go; Someone mention this.

    Anxiety disorder. Ther are many types that include panic

    disorder. Many people feel anxious or nervous, when faced

    with A problem at work, before taking a test or making an

    important decision. It can cause such distress that it

    interfers with A person ability to lead A normal life.

    Social anxiety disorder is A good one, called social phobia,

    (no door to door work) involves overwhelming worry and

    selfconsciousnes about everyday social situation. It

    leads to fear of being judged by others (no talks) or

    behaving in A way that might cause embarassment

    or lead to ridicule.

  • jehovahsheep

    you can lie to them because they are your enemy.just call it theocratic warfare.

  • clarity

    Giordano ..... the high blood pressure maneuver.

    "P.S. Depending on your complexion bend over and tie your shoelaces before entering the KH and always when using the KM bathroom. A little rosy glow on your cheecks will help remind everone that you've got a serious condition "

    I almost fell on the floor with this funny!


  • NewYork44M

    Here are three techniques that have worked for some:

    move to another congregation.

    tell the elders that you are depressed or bi polar and you need to remove stress.

    bang the cute wife of that elder you dislike.

  • NVR2L8

    I started a new job that required a lot of travel. I missed half of the congregation meetings so I was no longer available for meeting parts. When I came home I used my Saturday mornings to rest or to work around the house. In time I spoke to one elder and told him I felt like I was no longer an example for the congregation and combined with the stress of the new job I could no longer serve. The elder said that they understood my situation and they would be patient with me, giving me time to remedy the situation. I told him he needed to listen to what I was telling him...I no longer wanted to serve, so the next meeting they announced I was no longer a MS. From that point I attended fewer and fewer meetings. I attended the last 2 days of the DA in 2010 and since then I never went back to a single meeting. I don't know if the elders questioned my wife on the reasons I no longer attend meetings, but two week ago 2 elders showed up at my door and after a few minutes of casual conversation they asked what they could do to help me come back to the Kindom Hall. I said I knew their phone numbers and where the KH is located...but at this time I want to be left alone...last week they had the CO's visit so I guess they wanted to tell him they visit the inactives...I hope that's all this was.


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