Best way to step down from being a servant

by RayPublisher 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinamovement


    When you say that you are no longer qualified to serve they will start to interrogate your wife to find out why. That is the opening they need to go after you.


  • jehovahsheep

    personaly i easily stepped down by volunteering for as much overtime as i could at work and feigned that i had financial problems and hinted it would only be temporary.

  • RayPublisher

    stuckinamovement- Thanks for that suggestion- it may not be something that will be glommed onto but you never know. I will alter the wording so as not to say "I'm no longer qualified".

    CrisisofConscience - I sent you a PM, had a question for you, but the site is giving a weird error so not sure if you got it...

  • Finally-Free

    Just a thought; you could tell them you hear Jehovah and the angels speaking to you. The doctor gave you pills, but you won't take them because they prevent you from hearing these holy voices. A sisterâ„¢ in my old hall did that, and the elders couldn't 'lose' her quickly enough, and she never got df'd. Everyone was happy to forget she ever existed. I don't know if she really had an illness or was a very good faker, but she dropped off the radar in record time.

    Alternatively, you could just grow a beard and let them delete you for it.


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    @ RayPublisher - I got your PM and sent you one in return.

  • RayPublisher

    Thought I'd give an update. Have decided to do a "slo-mo" step down via my FS reporting. For last month's time (March) I have given myself 8 hours, which for a servant is below the line but not by much. This month I have conveniently been ill, but plan to turn in maybe 6. This will definitely get their attention. Then it is only a matter of days or perhaps a couple weeks and I will be called to the backroom. I will be ready, and I will be apologetic and run-down.

    After a few months of this they will probably speak to me again... Lather rinse repeat... How soon they delete me is a dice roll, but I'll keep you posted.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    RayPublisher, Thanks for the update! I wish you the best. I currently "devote" about 4 hrs to the ministry per month, and as you already know, no longer a ministerial servant.


  • HintOfLime

    I think the "best" way to step down is to find a nice pioneer sister, buy a bottle of Grey Goose, and let nature take it's course.


    - Lime

    PS: Of course... you're pretty much damned by the elders if you use a condom (obviously pre-meditated fornication)... and you're damned by the realities of life if you don't. So.... get the BIG bottle of Grey Goose.

  • RayPublisher

    @CoC - Thanks bro. BTW I LOVE The Mask I could watch that movie 50 more times before I die. Jim Carey is good. Cameron Diaz is *thump* *thump* ...better....

    @Hint of Lime - Grey Goose is g o o d... but expensive lol. I think I like my way better, but thanks!

  • RayPublisher

    So here is an update- I finally did it:

    Submitted my "step-down" letter explaining that my poor health was making me a bad example a couple weeks ago, and have missed all meetings since then. No calls received from the elders but ONE the day after I gave him my letter. I didn't answer it of course, his voicemail was actually nice he said I hit them by surprise but they respected my wishes.

    So two weeks has gone by and no visits or calls. The CO visit is soon approaching so I figure they are waiting for that. Am a bit nervous but have practiced potential questions and my responses like it was a mini-talk or demo on the assembly so I feel fairly ready. We shall see.

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