Can I Say Anything Positive about JW's to the Wife?

by punkofnice 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Mrs Punk and I no longer discuss the JW business posing as religion.

    All I get is a hand thrust into my face and a shout of: 'If you can't be positive don't say anything!!'

    I explain I am not trying to be 'negitive' but trying to be informative, factual and honest. This is because Mrs Punk would ask: 'Why don't you go to meetings anymore?'

    I start to explain then the hand flies into my face.

    I have said not to ask me questions if she won't listen to my explanations.

    I once asked: 'Why did you do the talk to the hand thing?'

    Her reply: 'I don't know!'

    ..........sounds like mind control to me! Any road up......

    A question!

    Is there anything I can say that isn't negititve but yet doesn't give the impression I'll ever go back?

  • wasblind

    Good morning Punkofnice,

    All I can say to keep peace between the two of you make it clear to

    her that if she don't want to hear any thing negative about that religion

    don't ask you anything about it. Keep that discussion completely off the table

    if you can. It seems as if she's stickin' her hand in the fire and hoping that

    she won't get burned

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have told my wife things like, "The members are typically sincere and good people who want to do the right thing."

    I just don't go so far in the negative as to say they are "mind-controlled" or that virtually everything from WTS is the opposite of "truth."

    I generally focus on neutral ground. I try to get her to think for herself on issues and try to learn not to trigger the cult protection mode.

    But every now and again if it fits, I will say something negative about WTS. I remember watching some news journal about a guy who agreed with his recently divorced wife not to raise his child in Catholicism, but secretly took the child to get baptized, then was discovered. My wife was upset at this guy and I tore into her. I said "You belong to a group that teaches members to be just like him. Many JW's would kidnap their own child to avoid blood transfusions. They sneak grandkids to the Kingdom Hall against parental objections." I went on and on. The point was, I had to say it but then I had to further avoid saying anything negative about WT for weeks. IMO you have to look for these opportunities then back off.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I have told my wife things like, "The members are typically sincere and good people who want to do the right thing."

    Exactly. Do not attack the people she loves and whom are good and sympathetic to her. And frankly, most of the R&F ARE sincere, good people.

    Rather, to keep from being shut out totally or to keep her from thinking that ANYTHING you say will be negative and anti-JW, perhaps you should adopt (if it's not too late to take this path) the "I am confused/stumbled about the new change in [such-and-such] doctrine and I feel that I have to wait until Jehovah clarifies this. Approach it as tho you earnestly are looking for an understanding on the subject (for example, the generation change) then you might have the opportunity to explain the details of it and why you need further clarification, thus the opportunity to explain the flip-flop-flip-flop changes that surely cannot be "spirit directed" but rather are an indication that they LACK divine direction.

  • Finally-Free

    I went through the same shit with my ex. She refused to accept that my constitutional right to freedom of religion and expression was equal to hers. She refused to get it through her head that I would give an honest answer to questions she asked me, and that a simple solution was to stop asking me questions when she knew damn well she wouldn't like the answers.

    In short, she was looking for a fight.


  • Finally-Free

    Is there anything I can say that isn't negititve but yet doesn't give the impression I'll ever go back?

    "I really appreciate the clean windows on the bus shelter. Those JWs really did a good job!"

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    LOL... use "The Hand" on her. I don't know....

  • punkofnice

    Nice to hear your input folks.

    As far as pretending to be 'confused' about stuff, Mrs Punk simply says: 'Well, speak to the elders then!'

    Me: 'I was an elder, they'd only refer to the CDrom!'

    Mrs: 'How do you know unless you ask?'

    Me: 'I don't need to ask. I know the answer and they won't know any different to me. They'll likely be suspicious and try to get me on an 'apostacy' charge!'

    Mrs: 'Then write to the "questions from readers" then!'

    Me: 'Sure. They'll write back to the congregation elders that I've been asking and the whole "apostacy" thing will come up. In any case, everyone knows the "Q's from readers" are made up by the writing comittee!'

    Mrs: Inaudiable due to shouting and pushing of handf at my face....................................

    Sadly, Mrs Punk has this weird idea that the elders are somehow endowed with mystical power.

    She didn't accord me the same honour when I was an elder.she just nagged me! Now she can't!!

  • RubaDub

    You could point out how the "One Towel Rule" is environmentally-friendly.

    Rub a Dub

  • punkofnice

    the "One Towel Rule"

    Laughing Out Loud, Smiley Face!

    I am not sure we had this in the UK. Although I heard something about it in other countries.

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