Present some evidence for evolution...

by Spade 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TD

    I agree that the ring species phenomenon is not evidence of the development of "novel complex phenotype structure", but then nobody with any kind of education in a biological science would ever present it as such.

    It is however excellent evidence for speciation, which is both a prediction of evolutionary theory and one of its basic building blocks.

    An advocate of creation would be better served by explaining how this phenomenon integrates into the creation model instead of jousting at an imaginary windmill. When the end result is reproductive isolation, speciation is not compatible with the strict view of Genesis "Kinds" advocated by JW's and kindred groups.

  • Pika_Chu

    present some evidence for creation...

    present some evidence you know what you're arguing for/against...

    present some evidence for evolution...

    oh, sorry, YOU already did that. Evolution=change in genetic populations over time.

  • Quentin


  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Anyone who get's upset by OUTLAW to the extent of hurling hatred and insults has lost 100% credibility right there!

    No offence intended OUTLAW


    No offence taken Murray..

    ................ ...OUTLAW

  • palmtree67

    I have a feeling Alice/Spade/Consfearacy is inventing a new persona, as we speak.........

  • HintOfLime

    I'm sure Spade will reply to us shortly with information pulled directly from the Watchtower on the subject of Human Chromosome 2, etc. According to Spade, Jehovah's Witnesses "don't stonewall any new findings", so certainly they must have published extensive information on these points.

    The Watchtower would never keep their readers in the dark in the case of strong evidence against their worldview (and thus their position of self-appointed authority). Rather, they would be completely honest and forthcomming in explaining the evidence, and go on to explain why "Jehovah" chose to make it appear as though two chromosomes had fused exactly as we'd expect if we had evolved from primates.

    I am anxious to read what the Watchtower has printed on the subject of Human Chromosome 2, as well as to see what they have written in regard to other strong points of evidence for evolution.

    - Lime

  • metatron

    I have NEVER READ any answer to the argument against a personal Creator that Darwin brought up decades ago in "Origin of Species"

    Nature displays NO MORALITY as humans might appreciate. It is 'nature red in tooth and claw' - vicious predation, suffering, pain and death. The same "Intelligent Design" applies to horrible creatures such as mosquitoes, guinea worms and other repulsive creatures.

    I would much rather believe that evolution created such things - because if "God" did, then the universe is ruled by a sadistic monster worse than the Elder Gods in an H.P. Lovecraft novel.


  • tastyrerun

    @DarioKehl - Hi! I'm the Ryan Sutter you were referring to. While I was indeed on the Minnesota Atheists show, and I did do extensive XJW blogging at for several years, and I am an atheist apostate and I do make the occasional foray into XJW video production... it's all true... unfortunately, I did not actually create the fantastic videos you posted. Those videos are the work of my good friend and long-time cohort James Zimmerman, a man I have known since we were JW kids together and who now regularly hosts the Minnesota Atheist television show, as well as producing videos of his own on his YouTube channel. So, thanks for the props, but credit where credit is due. Gotta hand it to my man James.

    Oh, and evolution is amazing, creationism is ridiculous, anybody who says differently is either ignorant of the science, intentionally misinformed, or in some other way incapable of rational thought on the subject due to cult mind control.



  • Quentin

    Oh,... anybody who says differently is either ignorant of the science, intentionally misinformed, or in some other way incapable of rational thought on the subject....Ryan

    I take exception to that part of your comment. I believe in God and see evolution as a way by wich things came into being. The main problem with creationism is most of those folks refuse to un-saddle themselves from the 6000 yr horse. So please, don't paint all God belivers with a brush forty blocks wide, many of us are capable of rational thinking........ and no, don't wish to be a part of the duke it out evolution show, making a personel point only, came to a rational conclusion many moons ago. The Creator's there, we're here, somewhere in the middle it all came togather..

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