Scavenging for members at their place of work

by White Dove 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's different people each time.

    I think the note of take me off your list didn't make it to the other members or the territory card holder.

    That's the thing though, ASL congregations don't have territory like the hearies do.

    They get a list of addresses to call on where deaf were spotted.

    Then, when done with those, they begin the knock on every door and enter every biz to ask if there are deafies there.

    In this case, it's a public restaurant in a bizzy area.

    It's easy for the left not to know what the right is doing.

    I'm annoyed but don't feel it's harrassment (yet) since the people are probably not aware that others have already come in and talked to me.

  • Quentin

    Seems like we have an artist well versed in the medium of hyperbole....Krettnawe

    Hmmmmm...tasty looking worm on that hook, mighty tasty. Shall I snatch it? Naw, I'll walk on by...hopefully there won't be a pack of wild dogs outfitted in scuba gear....

    Agree with Vamp and others who have made the harassment observation...... However, White Dove doesn't apper to be rattled ( ooopsie there's that pesky hyperbole again ) by these visits so, for now, she has no problem, do hope they will leave you alone in future WD. Keep us updated...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Just really irritated and view them as a neusance.

    We were taught to grill the HH at the door for their precise reason they weren't interested.

    "Are you not interested in religion in general, or are you not interested just today cuz you're busy?"

    I can't believe what we were expected to do to those poor innocent and very irritated HH's.

    Karma is getting me for that year of pioneering and months of auxillary pioneering. I just know it. LOL!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's interesting the perspective we get when we're on the receiving end of the "good news".

    Hang in there WD.

  • Krettnawe

    The problem at the very least, Krettnawe, is that many JWs don't understand what the word "NO" really means.

    If you are not quite clear that you are not interested at all the JW's will come back because that is what anyone in thier position will do. I know when I went door to door, I had about a 10% (maybe) success rate. If I got past the door slamming, the "not interested", the "I have my own religion" and had a converstaion with someone I was pumped. So, you will have to excuse them for thier enthusiasm, the cold calling door to door method is not the easiest method for dissemination of information.

    I have a JW that still comes by my door (came Last Saturday) to talk even though I talk about the Birthdays we just celebrated, the first Christmas my kids ever had, and make it clear I absolutley disagree with the Blood Policy. I thought I had made it clear that I have no intention of ever going back.

    But you know what, I think he enjoys stopping off and speaking with me (I am hardly a screaming apostate) he gets to mark it off as a RV, and it makes him feel like there is some success. It is a nuisance at worst. No worse than the wierd guy at the office who cant stand silence and doesnt pick up simple social cues.

    In my book, that's a BIG problem.

    Well it isnt in mine, and the magnitude of the problem you have with it is usually related to how much disdain and hatred you have for JW's. If your still in the angry bitter phase of WT apostasizing (if you still flinch at being called the big, bad A word there is a good chance you are still stuck languishing in this phase) then I would venture to guess anything JW's do will irritate you. But be careful showing your bias too quickly. Wouldnt want your own hatred to marganilize you into ignorability would you?

    I could easily see this problem getting to the point where WD might end up having to take out a restraining order against these folks if they can't take NO for an answer. This is starting to get a little disturbing IMHO

    UMmm....a restraining order? Really? Do you realize how quickly you would get laughed out of court for that? Keep in mind not everyone shares your intimate knowledge nor your visceral hatred for JW's, and when you statements like that, it makes you appear to be a Drama Queen (or King). The fact you need to resort to such exxageration is disturbing IMHO.

  • Quentin

    Vamp I hope you ignore kerttnawe appears to want a squable with someone, anyone, don't matter who and yes he has the right to speak his mind, however IM...very....HO he doesen't deserve a response.

    Vamp not telling you what to do, an observation on my part only, would hate to see Dove's thread turned into a free for all just to satisfy kerttnawe's agenda......

  • Krettnawe

    My agenda is truth without exxageration, bias, or hatred.

    If someone is going to make a life-changing decision like leave JW's, they should do it based on truth.

    Not bias, misrepresentations, hatred, and skewed responses...

    Sorry I dont fall for your tactics....Maybe the peanut gallery will..

  • Quentin

    ...Sorry I dont fall for your tactics... kerttnawe's...No need to express sorrow. I have no tactics, I am tactless, want to assure everyone no dogs were harmed while writting this.

    White Dove any more visits? Or, is it two early in the week.?

  • jeckle

    sorry white dove just read this whole thread. hang in there! i think everyone has given you good advice already both sides have, and you've been at this longer then me, so you already know how to handle yourself. but i can imagine how you must feel.

  • mrsjones5

    Maybe the peanut gallery will...

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