You jackasses in Bethel or at the Branch, need to cut me a check.........

by miseryloveselders 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    Tuesday night, I drove to a couple of older sister's homes, and dropped off their magazines, and Kindom Ministries. Thursday night, I went to the meeting and cleaned and locked up the building. I also dropped someone off who earlier recieved a ride to the Hall but their ride couldn't come back to take them home. Saturday, I drove around with a couple other people in my car doing return visits. Later, a sister was having a gathering, and I stopped at the grocery mart to get her some chips and dip for her guests. Today, a family is having some vehicle problems, and so I took them to the meeting, and stopped at the grocery store so they could get some groceries to hold them over until their car is out of the shop.

    Why am I relaying all of this to you? Well, on my way home, my car made an unfamiliar noise, and I'm under the impression my transmission is getting ready to croak. So guess who's going to have to drop his car off in the shop? Yeah, thats right, Misery friggin loves friggin elders!!! All these years of repetative meetings, glorifying the friggin faithful and discreet bastard slave, and reading and dropping off literature that nobody wants!! Years of this crap!! Pleasing my parents and my brother and sister!!! Pleasing all the people in the congregation that would either be hurt, or laugh out of spite if I "stopped serving Jehovah" which means stopped serving you old decrepit rotton bastards in Walkhill!!!! You jackasses owe me!! Thirty plus years of waiting on the so called end of this system of things, thirty plus years of wasted educational oppurtunities, wasted romances, wasted years of your crap. "But we're the only ones feeding", yeah yeah whatever, get throat cancer and die, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I mean that!! Jackasses!

  • whathappened

    Just leave. I've never felt this free in my life and have been associated my entire 56 years of life. It feels good!

  • Lozhasleft

    Hugs MLE.

    Loz x

  • jookbeard

    The time has come Mis, you know it makes sense.



    The WBT$ could care less about your problem..

    As far as they are concerned..

    The only reason your unhappy,is because you don`t do enough for the WBT$..

    Do more for the WBT$..Drive your vehicle into the ground for the WBT$..


    When your Broke and Carless.

    The WBT$ will give you the address to a local Salvation Army or government Welfare Office..

    The WBT$ isn`t running a Charity,so don`t be asking them for anything!..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • miseryloveselders

    I'm so heated right now man. I swear to God, if I was in NY I'd pay those bastards a visit. Friggin volunteer to drop off their garbage literature. Today at that retarded WT study, they mentioned the Catholic church's letter regarding no use of YHWH/JHVH, and all those jackasses in my hall lapped it right up. Not near one of those retarded idiots printed that letter out and looked at. I did, and I understand where they're coming from, and it makes sense to me regardless if I don't 100% agree with it. The WT though, assholes that they are, used it as an oppurtunity to slander another group of Christians that doesn't recogize that so called faithful and discreet slave. You know today's WT mentioned the faithful and discreet slave two times today!!!! To friggin times today!!!! They're getting cocky now, rubbing it in our faces like, "yeah we've got your family in the choke hold, and if you choose to stop paying homage to us, we'll have your family disown you!!" Assholes, in every sense of the word. I hope Osama send his kinfolk out to fly a couple planes to Walkhill, right in the middle of one of those GB meetings. The world would be better off without them.

  • miseryloveselders

    All the wear and tear on my car, all the money I've given MAcy's for suits, ties, dress shirts, shoes, and other crap I hate wearing. The next car I buy, it has to be suitable for field service, so it has to be a four door, because a two door just isn't theocratic enough. I don't 100% blame the WT for not going to college as I was a knucklehead in highschool anyway and probably wasn't mature enough to go regardless, but I do blame them for influencing me to have an inappropriate outlook on life back then. Guess what?? This system of things that supposed to be coming to an aint going anywhere anytime soon!! The King of the North, The King of thd South, whatever, for all we know that was a mistranslation, and the King of SouthWest aka Taco Bell's fake ground meat is the real Gog of Magog!!! Whatever, its all so stupid!! All of it!! Worrying, and losing sleep over absolutely nothing, just to appease family. Just to appease family because I love them that much. It aint fair, it aint right! All this crap. I'm telling you, I kid you not, but my CO will be visiting in a couple months, and I swear I'm going to lay him out on the floor. For many of you, Jaracz was the picture that represented all that you hated about this rotton organization. Well, the CO, he's young, and cocky. I won't feel guilty for dislocating his jaw. I'm looking forward to it.

  • miseryloveselders

    You guys and gals have a good night. I need some sleep. I can't tell you how irritated I am right now. I just want to hurt them the same way they've hurt me. But how do you do it and maintain your dignity and not hurt your family? How? I'm all ears, or eyes in this case.....aughghg......

  • cantleave

    I feel for you MLE. How much more can you before you crack?

  • Millions

    miseryloveselders - I'm sure people that have been around here for while know this, but can I ask why you are still attending meetings?

    You seem to have accumulated more than enough reasons to stop altogether. Do you like pain or something? :D

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