"Who else are we to go away to?"

by simon17 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WontLeave

    A few people hit it on the head:

    "Whom shall we go away to?" is used by the WBTS as a thought stopping technique. They have demonized every other religion; some directly, the rest by implication because they are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Any belief is labelled as "false religion" if it is not theirs.

    We are virtually forbidden to read anything religious that is not printed by the WBTS. Attending another church is considered DAing yourself. Many JWs are horrified to even enter a church for a wedding or funeral. If the few times I tried the doors hadn't been locked, I'd have preached to the pastor of a church. I like C.T. Russell's initial idea of sharing his findings with church clergy and trying to get them to preach it. At least get them thinking about what they're teaching their flock.

    Conersations with anyone who disagrees with JW doctrine are immediately terminated. Even in Field Service ® , no JW is supposed to accept any literature from the householder, even though the JW is carrying a suitcase full of books for everyone else to read. I always thought that was extremely hypocritical and I took what they had, read them, and returned them with Scriptural references for the people to see where they have been taught a wrong understanding. Usually someone who's handing literature to a JW is in "teacher" mode just like the JWs who go around knocking on doors, though. It's very difficult to get anyone to think openly once they're of the opinion they are your teacher.

    I've tried studying with Mormons who came knocking on my door and it was like beating my head against a wall. When they knock on your door, they're there to teach you and no amount of Scriptural evidence that their doctrine is insane will get through. ...But I digress.

    The Internet and education are Satan's tools, because they'll introduce poisonous ideas into your mushy grey matter that only the GB are qualified to fill with their Spirit-inspired wisdom. - dripping with sarcasm

    The whole "Whom shall we go away to?" is a bluff that no JW is expected to call. It's like an abusive spouse saying "Go ahead and leave! Nobody will ever love you. I'm the best you'll ever get." It's reverse psychology after they've slanted the entire playing field in their favor, cutting off all of your exits and burning all your bridges; then they act like you're free to leave whenever you want, but you're expected to believe "I'm the best you'll ever get."

  • PSacramento

    If one studies the WT and JW history one can see that ALL the faults they find inother religions and other oganizations are alive and well in theirs.

    The issue of where a JW will go if the leave the WT is truly a non-issue for those that understand that the WT is NOT any different than any other religiosu organization.

    The answer and the path becomes quite clear and THAT is where the problem starts, for a person that is SO used to having someone tell them HOW to worship, when, for someone used to having all the answers ( even if worng) given to them instead of having to find out on their own, it is a frightening prospect.

    So most either stay or leave and don't search anyways, in short, they either stay, fins another religion to tell them what they need or they become atheists.

    Very few EX-JW's become "liberal christians" or Christians that forge their own path, I don't think they have the psychological make up for it.

  • mavie

    In response to your comment concerning the non-theist outlook on life, namely that this is our only chance and life isn't fair, I would have you consider the last chapter of Richard Dawkin's latest book "The Evidence for Evolution". This chapter is entitled "There Is Grandeur In This View Of Life". It deconstructs the last paragraph of "On The Origin Of Species". You can read it here:


    Following are the last three paragraphs of the book:

    The fact of our own existence is almost too surprising to bear. So is the fact that we are surrounded by a rich ecosystem of animals that more or less closely resemble us, by plants that resemble us a little less and on which we ultimately depend for our nourishment, and by bacteria that resemble our remoter ancestors and to which we shall all return in decay when our time is past. Darwin was way ahead of his time in understanding the magnitude of the problem of our existence, as well as in tumbling to its solution. He was ahead of his time, too, in appreciating the mutual dependencies of animals and plants and all other creatures, in relationships whose intricacy staggers the imagination. How is it that we find ourselves not merely existing but surrounded by such complexity, such elegance, such endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful?

    The answer is this. It could not have been otherwise, given that we are capable of noticing our existence at all, and of asking questions about it. It is no accident, as cosmologists point out to us, that we see stars in our sky. There may be universes without stars in them, universes whose physical laws and constants leave the primordial hydrogen evenly spread and not concentrated into stars. But nobody is observing those universes, because entities capable of observing anything cannot evolve without stars. Not only does life need at least one star to provide energy. Stars are also the furnaces in which the majority of the chemical elements are forged, and you can’t have life without a rich chemistry. We could go through the laws of physics, one by one, and say the same thing of all of them: it is no accident that we see . . .

    The same is true of biology. It is no accident that we see green almost wherever we look. It is no accident that we find ourselves perched on one tiny twig in the midst of a blossoming and flourishing tree of life; no accident that we are surrounded by millions of other species, eating, growing, rotting, swimming, walking, flying, burrowing, stalking, chasing, fleeing, outpacing, outwitting. Without green plants to outnumber us at least ten to one there would be no energy to power us. Without the ever-escalating arms races between predators and prey, parasites and hosts, without Darwin’s ‘war of nature’, without his ‘famine and death’ there would be no nervous systems capable of seeing anything at all, let alone of appreciating and understanding it. We are surrounded by endless forms, most beautiful and most wonderful, and it is no accident, but the direct consequence of evolution by non-random natural selection – the only game in town, the greatest show on Earth.

  • Curtains

    Very few EX-JW's become "liberal christians" or Christians that forge their own path, I don't think they have the psychological make up for it.

    psac, I guess you have us all figured out then -

    imo most xjws pass through liberal christianity - some decide to stop there others move on. Liberal christanity is very often the first post.

    And anyway Jesus Christ means a lot more than religion. He was a radical revolutionary intent on helping the poor, he was a philosopher, he was a teacher using analogies from nature, he could also be framed as an ancient doctor. XJWS move on to all these sorts of things. The who is not a specific man in history but the person we can become even apart from religion.

  • saltyoldlady

    So many wonderful responses here that I don't know whether my two bits will add much (guess with inflation looming I should call it my buck -LOL)

    But I had the same questions in my heart as you - I felt I needed to find another religious group I could be equally committed to as I had been to the WTS - I tried out the Bible Students Movement for a bit before actually announcing my desire to leave in a formal manner - their beliefs about many things very very similar - but they didn't satisfy me as a group either. Finally it became an issue in my heart - am I putting love of the Christ first or family and friends? Do I really stand for truth in this org or do I feel compromised? And you know the results - I left.

    I have not found another church home to replace what the WTS seemed to offer and now a year later I realize that I didn't need to - my drawing close to God has greatly increased - I spend more time with my Bible and in prayer than I ever did as part of the WTS - Jesus Christ and his Heavenly Father, Jehovah have become ever so much more REAL in my life - I can feel Holy Spirit working now in my life - I experience the answers to my prayers almost daily in both large and small matters - I've found a small (about 20 of us) interdenominational Bible Study group that meets once a week at the Senior Citizens Center within walking distance that provides great fellowship - many many varieties of Christian beliefs represented there such as Catholic, Greek Orthodox, conservative and liberal Protestant groups, Pentecostal, Messianic Jewish - and the exchange and sharing as we consider verse by verse discussion for two hours of specific passages of the Bible have been phenomenal. When I began we were in the Book of Colossians - now doing Exodus. I am learning, experiencing love that is genuine, and yes there are arguments at times - usually all done in good nature with an adequate dose of humor thrown in - sometimes quite intense - but it is REAL - there is freedom of expression. I wouldn't trade it for going back to the WTS and the supposed "unity of belief" for anything.

    So do not let your heart be troubled - Exercise faith in God. Exercise faith also in Jesus Christ. Observe His word and keep his commandments and they will come and make their dwelling place with you - you will SEE Him because He lives and you will live. You will find peace.

  • PSacramento
    psac, I guess you have us all figured out then -

    Wow, that DID come off as arrogant, I am sorry about that.

    I worded that horribly !

    imo most xjws pass through liberal christianity - some decide to stop there others move on. Liberal christanity is very often the first post.

    Really? This board seems th not show that ( just as an example), but you probably know more ex-JW's than I so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

    And anyway Jesus Christ means a lot more than religion. He was a radical revolutionary intent on helping the poor, he was a philosopher, he was a teacher using analogies from nature, he could also be framed as an ancient doctor. XJWS move on to all these sorts of things. The who is not a specific man in history but the person we can become even apart from religion.

    Well, Jesus is far more than ANY religion, that is very true.

    Not sure about the radical revlutionary part, but he was certaibly a teacher, philosopher and so much more.

  • PSacramento

    I have not found another church home to replace what the WTS seemed to offer and now a year later I realize that I didn't need to - my drawing close to God has greatly increased - I spend more time with my Bible and in prayer than I ever did as part of the WTS - Jesus Christ and his Heavenly Father, Jehovah have become ever so much more REAL in my life - I can feel Holy Spirit working now in my life - I experience the answers to my prayers almost daily in both large and small matters - I've found a small (about 20 of us) interdenominational Bible Study group that meets once a week at the Senior Citizens Center within walking distance that provides great fellowship - many many varieties of Christian beliefs represented there such as Catholic, Greek Orthodox, conservative and liberal Protestant groups, Pentecostal, Messianic Jewish - and the exchange and sharing as we consider verse by verse discussion for two hours of specific passages of the Bible have been phenomenal. When I began we were in the Book of Colossians - now doing Exodus. I am learning, experiencing love that is genuine, and yes there are arguments at times - usually all done in good nature with an adequate dose of humor thrown in - sometimes quite intense - but it is REAL - there is freedom of expression. I wouldn't trade it for going back to the WTS and the supposed "unity of belief" for anything.

    Very, very well said :)

  • Curtains

    the idea of "who else shall we go away to?" was quite common during the period of Roman rule and civil strife preceding the dates we commonly attribute to Jesus' life. And this is why I wonder if Jesus played a more political role than we give him credit for.

    edit: psac btw I did not think you were being arrogant (hence the ) so no worries

  • simon17

    In response to your comment concerning the non-theist outlook on life, namely that this is our only chance and life isn't fair, I would have you consider the last chapter of Richard Dawkin's latest book "The Evidence for Evolution". This chapter is entitled "There Is Grandeur In This View Of Life". It deconstructs the last paragraph of "On The Origin Of Species". You can read it here:

    I have read the book and it is a good book. Just because life is wonderful doesn't mean mitigate the suffering that we see. There are plenty of evil men who died wealthy, old and beloved. And there are plenty of kids going to bed hungry that, though surrounded by the wonders of the physical world, are haunted by the continual hunger pain in their stomach. I know people who are in mental torment every hour. Who hate themselves because they were braught up so poorly that they have emotional disorders and its very crushing to see. It certainly was very nice to think that all those wrong will be un-done, and I think that is the fundamental reason most people gravitate towards A religion in general. They don't want to believe this IS all their is. Maybe you're lucky enough to go to sleep contemplating the wonders of the sky and animal kingdom, but I assure you most of the world does not have the luxury.

  • Giordano

    saltyoldlady......... great post! That was way more then a buck's worth. It's great to hear that you have found another place and other viewpoints.

    Please share them with us from time to time.

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