How far are you on your journey away from the JW Org?

by punkofnice 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darthfader

    Been fading for over 10 years.. Im still not far enough away from their spindley tennacles. My parents are still "in" so I have to be careful.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I am only not totally as far from the JW organization as possible because of family involvement. If the wife came out, I would be able to deal with the JW mother just fine. I would imagine I would visit this forum every now and again just to hear about some apostafests, where the wife and I could have some fun and laughs about "our past." But otherwise, I imagine I wouldn't be all that focused on JW issues.

  • Reality79

    Physically me and my wife are totally out but I've been faded for just under two years now and for her about a year and a half. The last meeting was the memorial we attended last year with my inactive sister.

    It will take a long time to get it out my system. My wife isn't as far out as I am mentally and my sister amazingly still believes this wretched group is the "truth" and that she might go back to it one day. *sigh* I have two aunts who are dubs - one is in Jamaica the other is in another part of the country but she never bothered with me that much anyway and neither of them know I'm faded.

    Sometimes the old feelings come back to me especially when I remember the few good people I knew, but in time I know the whole thing will just be a small dot and we'll be able to move on totally.....but we're getting there.

  • chickpea

    i was nearly 2 years into a "fade" without knowing it
    because i was so tormented at my lack of faith

    now, about 4 years out, i could not be more alive!
    happy, busy with community orgs, in school, working
    on a 3 year plan to relocate.... living a LIFE

    of course, not everything is rosy, in fact some of
    it sucks, but i am not waiting for the BIG A and
    i actually feel deep empathy for those misquided
    and manipulated fellow travellers who are....

    so sad to see that generational waste continue

  • unshackled

    miseryloveselders and Franklin Massey: How do you do it? I simply can't fathom pulling that off. That's equally impressive to me as what must be your level of frustration.

  • cyberjesus
    miseryloveselders and Franklin Massey: How do you do it? I simply can't fathom pulling that off. That's equally impressive to me as what must be your level of frustration

    They have lots of time and they actually think the chairs in the KH are confy

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    @punkofnice: I am a better student of the Bible now than I've ever been. Hence, my doubts about "The Truth."

    @unshackled: Read some of Miz's and my posts. This site is therapeutic. If I wasn't posting here, I would be walking the streets talking to myself like some sort of crackhead. In all seriousness though, I'm not sure how much longer I can pull it off. I'm getting tired.

  • moshe

    I'm happy as can be today- pretty soon it will be time for my afternoon pina colada.Do I miss the KH? Not on your life. It's been almost 25 years since I quit the WT religion and every year has been better and better.


  • whathappened

    It will be 4 months since I have been in field service and 3 months exactly since I've been to a meeting. I being a single middle aged woman was invisable when I was in. I have had two calls from "concerned elders." Both calls lasted less that 2 mintues. I told them I wasn't coming back, declined their offer to study and visit with them. I probably will never enter the kingdom hall again, not even for a funeral of a beloved relative. The organisation is bloodguilty and has litterally enslaved people for their entire existance. I always had doubts, but believed them when they made excuses and fervently kept saying they were Jehovah's earth visable organisation. Otherwise, I would have been out a lot earlier. I still love the people from the congreations, they are misled as I was. I did it too. Turned a blind eye to all the inconsistancies and preposterous scriptural interpretations. No longer, my longer.

  • punkofnice

    Intersting to hear your stories.

    I'm a bit kind of 'agnostic' these days.

    Although I have attended Church in secret as a 'guilty pleasure' and really enjoyed the genuineness of the Christians there. Unconditional love rocks!

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