How far are you on your journey away from the JW Org?

by punkofnice 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I mentally left the Org in March 2010. I stepped down as an Elder after my lad got into trouble. I researched the publications to make myself 'spiritually strong' but it backfired.

    I was in mental and emotional turmoil, still on FS, the platform and meetings etc. I had to force myself to conform to ever failing JW doctrine.

    I announced to my family that I was not going back to meetings in August 2010 after the 'overlapping' joke of 'new light'.

    I told the Elders not to call. I was frightened of the Elders calling. I was scared of meeting other JWs. I didn't visit my JW Mom for a while either.

    NOW, However, I do not fear other witnesses or the Elders. They can say what they want but they'll get nothing from me. A couple wanted to see me about allegations that I had spoken out against 'the watchtower' (not god mark you).

    I don't care what they think say or do now. If they want to DF me I don't care for myself, I won't attend any JC, they hold no power or authority over me.

    I just keep my head down out of respect for Mrs and daughter (zealous dub) Punk! where are you on your journeys? Any similarities?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm in a similar spot. Not DFd and keeping my head down. My immediate family is out with me but my parents are in and although I've managed to show them enough info (cult education, Crisis of Conscience, etc.) to convince them it isn't God's organization, their congregation is the only friendship/support network they have in life. The logistics of leaving would leave them alone in their waning years. I'm within driving distance of helping them in emergencies but I'm not close enough to run over there if something sudden comes up; they need their friends and I don't begrudge them for it. They also don't want to be put on the spot by their local elders over associating with us, so I keep undercover as much as possible so as to avoid DF for now.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    their congregation is the only friendship/support network they have in life.

    Thank you for pointing this out. This is sadly a big part of the reason why so many older JWs who have been in it for years reject any logical argument, despite maybe being intellectually-inclined. They have just invested too much and they may see it as they are too far in to switch gears now. Also, psychologically, it is a rather large mountain of denial for some to come to terms with the fact that all those years were a waste of time. Some would rather defend their belief system to the death, right or wrong.

    Myself, I woke up, but now I have to find a way out of this prison without losing my family. I have come to this website for support and advice on how to accomplish this.

  • nugget

    We were Df'd in January and quite frankly it was a relief. Mentally we werealready well out we stopped saying "our congregation" or "the brothers and sisters" and had long stopped using the expression "the truth". We have embraced celebrations and look forward to being able to have a proper Christmas with lights and everything. We are happy, pursuing education and family goals, we are more relaxed and closer now than we were before.

    We have no intentions of returning and have gone from faders trying to preserve family relationships to critics of the organisation who are willing to accept that relatives will shun us for the stand we have taken but realising that this is a sacrifice we are prepared to make. We are willing to help others out of the cult if we can and feel better able to do that free of the constraints of being labelled witnesses ourselves.

    I do not fear witnesses coming to the home or meeting us outside they are the ones in need of pity I am not.

  • Desilusionnee

    I mentally left in April 2010 and stopped attenting meetings 2 months ago. I'm still struggling because hubby is still in although I've shown him enough info. I think he is not ready to leave. My family live far far away so they don't know that I'm fading (except for my DFd brother whom I told everything a few weeks ago).

    I'm a little bit afraid of April 17th (memorial). It may be a big trial for me: will be difficult for my husband to accept that I won't go with him. It's not easy since we have got 2 small children.

  • pontoon

    Not far enough. Last meeting about June of 2010. Way too much family still in. Not able to break free completely yet. Family does not know I no longer attend.

  • pontoon

    Not far enough. Last meeting about June of 2010. Way too much family still in. Not able to break free completely yet. Family does not know I no longer attend.

  • JamesS

    Hi Guys I'm new to this web-site but I've been out of the JW's for 15 years. All I can tell you is that it gets easier and easier the longer you are out. There are two things that need to adjust: you, and your family that are still in it. Both take time.

    But at the end of the day, you either stay in against your own better judgement and live for your family and not yourself, or you live your own life. Neither option will be easy, but I can only recommend to you my own experience, which has been that I've been happier since not doing something I don't want to do!!

    Good luck to you all!

  • Lozhasleft

    I left physically in 2007. I left mentally, completely, in late 2009. Although I'd never go back at all, I find myself unable to detach emotionally because the Org has my five adult kids in there and two of the best friends I have ever known.

    I have a new life now, a good one with a loving husband, and a freedom to think and speak.

    Loz x

  • Heaven

    A large part of me left around the late 1970's. Sometime around my mid-teen years (15 to 16 yrs old) I decided the religion wasn't for me so that would have been 1978/1979. It's kinda all hazy now as I am a lot older and life has been busy. After graduating high school I moved away to go to College and never signed up.

    It is only recently that I have had my suspicions confirmed about the religion as well as a lot more information added that I never knew. Ray Franz's books, this site, jwfacts, Steve Hassan's books and website, the many YouTubes on the web have really educated me on so much.

    I am not sure I will ever be truly 'away' from it. Whether I like it or not, it will always be a part of me. I have to learn how to deal with it. I have progressed quite well in this endeavour.

    Now that my Dad is beginning to decline mentally, the presence of the cult has lessened a great deal as he can no longer function as a Witness. My goal now is to bring out his authentic self, bring back memories from his pre-cult days. He was talking about a cedar strip canoe he once owned years ago in his youth. You should have seen the whimsical smile on his face. I haven't seen that in years. Made my heart happy!

    Once my Dad goes, the religion won't be so much an immediate part of my life but there are still some family who are in. They don't have much to do with us non-JWs so it won't be front and centre like it has been for decades.

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