Did you "make the Truth your own"?

by Mr. Falcon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • highdose

    Yes i did. I was compeltely and 100% brain washed. I belived it all, i belived everything. I belived them when they told me that i was mature enough at age 14 to get baptised and commit myself for life. I did everything by the WT book, never got reproved, disfellowshipped or hauled into the back room, never! The elders used to tell me i was a example for the rest of the congregation.

    Problem was: the "Truth" never made me its own. Theres so much kicking in the teeth you can take from your own "loving bros and sisters" before decided it ain't worth it. So now i'm faded and off the radar.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Nugget said, Perhaps deep down all that studying may have alerted my subconcious to the lies lurking beneath the surface.

    That's what happened to me. I had some questions so I did deep personal study in the WT publications. That study led to more questions and some doubts so I started researching both WT and secular sources. That led to more questions, more doubts, and now a sinking feeling that as a JW, my precious "Truth" was slipping away. The pattern continues as I am still doing tons of reading and research.

    Highdose, what do your old JW friends think happened to you?

  • wasblind

    Yan Bibiyan said : "Hmmm...I was promised by my study conductor that when I "make the truth my own" a lot will change and I will be in a better place,....... "

    That is true Yan,

    but it depends on what truth you make your own, cause theirs is based on damn lies.

  • highdose

    Franklin: i have no idea what they think. Don't care to know either, i expect they will have made up some false gossipy story by now.

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada
    I always hated that song!!!

    Author of that song is one respected member of this forum.

  • PublishingCult

    I made "the truth" my own until I let the truth became known to me. Now, the truth belongs to me, and I get to own every JW who dares knock at my door

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The more I "make the truth my own," the more I doubt that a person needs to be part of any organized religion.

    ^^^ this

  • unshackled

    Guilty...I was a nerdy keener in my early to mid teens...at least I thought I "made the truth my own".

    Okay, this might be the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to: for an assignment in junior high band class I played "Make the Truth Your Own" in front of the class...on the saxophone. Okay, gotta go kick my own ass now for that one.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Anybody else dig what I'm saying?

    Yeh, I'm pickin' up what yer puttin' down, MF. (great initials, btw)

    I think "make the truth your own" is a good example of a bromide. Also, I've been looking for a place to use bromide in a sentence, hence we make kill two of the birds with one of the stones.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Okay, this might be the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to: for an assignment in junior high band class I played "Make the Truth Your Own" in front of the class...on the saxophone.

    unshackled, if you divulge your true identity, I'll start a slow clap for your extraordinary display of courage.

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