Did you "make the Truth your own"?

by Mr. Falcon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I didn't make the truth my own until 4 years after I was baptized--when my mother died. I was 19 and wanted desperately to welcome her back in the resurrection. So I threw myself into being a faithful JW so I could be there to welcome her back.

    When I decided not too long ago that JW's didn't have the truth I thought my heart was being torn from my chest when I realized I may never see my mother again. Now I wonder where she is...

  • chickpea

    i certainly thought i had, but then again it was
    thinking generated by an ongoing manipulation...

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    My Mom always kept to the belief that Christ was the example and he was an adult before he got baptized. She felt we had to be of a mature, adult mind-set before making such a serious commitment.

    Thank you for this! Now I have an actual line of logic when explaining why I won't let my kids get baptized at 8 years old! Awesome!

  • james_woods

    Strange that the JWs just love this kind of nonsense phrase but have a lot of trouble explaining the fundy notion of being "born a again Christian" -

  • wobble

    I guess as I went along through the years I made truth my own. What I perceived to be true I accepted, what I believed to be WT rubbish I rejected, eventually I came to realise that I rejected at least 90% of what they taught, so I left.

    It was not a casual rejection of their stuff, just because it did not suit me or something, I proved that what I rejected was all total error.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Some well-wisher/glass-half-full types that I have expressed some slightly contra-JW opinions to have told me that I am, "Making the truth my own." If they only knew the half of it. The more I "make the truth my own," the more I doubt that a person needs to be part of any organized religion.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    the more I doubt that a person needs to be part of any organized religion.

    This is false-reasoning. When will you people understand that recorded hours and magazine placements are more vital to salvation than how you live your life or what's in your heart??? Silly humans.

  • VM44

    Watchtower "Truth" is whatever it is currently publishing in its magazines.

    "Making it your own" means brainwashing yourself into believing what The Watchtower publishes!

  • JRK

    I did after I got booted out. I found that in "Truth" they are lacking.


  • nugget

    I tried hard to make the truth my own. We found my old pre marriage kingdom ministries all underlined and annotated. I studied and prepared for meetings and had regular pattern of attendance. I auxilliary pioneered and tried so hard. But it was all head knowledge it was never in my heart I

    knew if my families life was at stake I'd kiss idol and sprinkle the incense and hoped never to be called on it.

    Perhaps deep down all that studying may have alerted my subconcious to the lies lurking beneath the surface.

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