Riveting JW judicial committee hearing.... caught on video!

by koolaid-man 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    My name is Nathan Natas and I endorse this entertaining parody.

    Good job, Rick, Bob and everyone else. I'm glad that from the live audience reaction others also saw the humor in this.

  • shepherd

    I have to say I did laugh, especially when they referred to the Greatest Man book to prove that Jesus never had a beard as a baby. That was funny. The WT judicial committees are evil, they destroy lives, but I can't see the harm in poking fun at the morons who think some God has given them the right to judge another. Not everyone is ready to view such jokes, after all they may be hurting from the harm that has been done to them and their family, but for others, humour like this can be therapeutic.

  • boyzone

    OMG, brazen facial hair!!!


    The WT needs its absurdity shown up in every way possible. Looks like you all had a great time making that, good stuff !

  • DocBob

    We put that little skit together over lunch the day we performed it at the Witnesses Now for Jesus conference. I can't speak for the others involved, but it was not my intent to trivialize anything. It was meant to show just how absurd the JW judicial system can be. I think that being able to poke fun at what we once viewed as sooooo serious can be part of the healing process.

  • lovelylil


    You guys did a good job. The Jc's are a joke. The elders can only have power over you, if YOU give it to them. Peace, Lilly

  • koolaid-man

    Thank you Lil.

  • koolaid-man

    Maybe the ones finding this spoof hard to watch are former elders that find this video disturbing. It perhaps is bringing back memories on how controlled they were in following the policies of The Watchtower Org.

  • PublishingCult

    The intent of this video is clear, and I get it, but poorly scripted and executed.

  • DocBob

    Rick, this former elder had no problem with it ;-)

    PC, we weren't going for an Oscar on this one. :-)

    It was just a little skit we threw together over lunch to present at the conference. It was not about having a great screenplay or about serious acting or cinematography; it was about having a bit of fun while poking fun at the WT.

  • Finally-Free

    It was so riveting that I actually watched 2:09 of it. That's a compliment, by the way. A real JC wouldn't have held my attention that long.


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