Here's one more free mind...

by Pika_Chu 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Welcome, glad you are freeee! NMKA

  • Pika_Chu

    Hey, quick question since I'm a newb about forums...can someone tell me how to change my avatar? Thanks.

  • OnTheWayOut

    One more free mind. That's awesome:

    Welcome to the rest of your life. *the free mind, not necessary this forum.

  • DanaBug

    Hi, pika-chu!

    We're glad you're here too! Freedom to think and discuss is a beautiful thing.

    There's a new site layout in the works, and I hear we'll get to change our avatars then. Or you can sign up on gravatar for an avatar that follows you everywhere you use that email address.

  • Heaven

    Welcome, Pika_Chu!

    *raises glass in toast*, wait, that's pagan. Lol.

    Technically speaking, pagan just means 'country dweller'. I see nothing wrong with dwelling in the country. And cheers to you!

    About your avatar, presently there is no way to change it directly on this forum. You can try using Gravatar... I uploaded a new one but for some reason this site isn't picking mine up. The new format will though.

  • miseryloveselders

    Welcome Pika Chu!

    I'm loving all these newbies finding their way here. I hope its a fitting reflection of whats really happening in this organization as opposed to those fake numbers they publish.

  • jgnat

    Welcome, Pika Chu! *does the happy dance* About changing your name, too late. You are stuck with it. Own it.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Great to have you here Pika_Chu. I too would like to hear your story when you're ready.

    By the way how did you choose Pika_Chu and could give us some insight on what it means?

    Reopened Mind

  • skeeter1

    Nice to have you.

  • saltyoldlady

    Welcome - so happy you have joined us. I too felt like you upon discovering this group - so nice to find a place where we can be REAL with one another. Looking forward to your future posts.

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