Going Door to Door with Scrolls

by VM44 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    The Watchtower's commercial agenda continues, irregardless of bible inaccuracies.

    Push that (WTS) literature is what God approves and wishes, he will show his appreciation come Armageddon by not killing you.

    " From house to house and door to door we are the Watchtower clones "

  • callitquits76

    I really am completely and utterly shocked at the sheer level of ignorance that this picture is demanding. This is a new low for the WT. Amazing.

  • brotherdan

    The Watchtower does not care about accuracy. They still talk about "earthquakes" being a sign that Christ came in 1914. Notice what this professor wrote to them when they made this claim: Since 1914 the yearly average of reported earthquakes has soared. There are 11 times the number that there were, on an average, annually during the 1,000 years before that date. And 20 times the annual average for the 2,000 years preceding 1914. 25 .

  • baltar447

    ROFL. This is complete bullcrap! Paper wasn't plentiful and the populace was largely illiterate. The only people who had paper were governments, scribes, maybe tax collectors. This is RIDONKULOUS!!!!!!!!

    Seriously art department? Seriously GB? This is complete made up bullcrap. OH, and this ties in with the crappy drama where the old brother had the "scrolls". They are making up shit as they go along.

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada

    The picture is from new DVD "Faith in Action". TITUS, banned member of this forum, uploaded it for benefit of all posters here.

    Please, support Titus in his endeavors to return on the forum!

  • jay88

    If Jesus can turn water into wine, he should be able to send the 70 Disciples off with plenty of Messianic literature and a custom Fendi handbag.

  • Heaven


    Just thought I'd throw a Farkel-ism in here.

  • thetrueone

    That picture is incorrect for the disciplines back in those times had Watchtower and Awake magazines to distribute and

    they also had to keep track of the hours in service and how many pieces of literature they placed.


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I smell a drama scene at the next DC where 2 early christians are walking around reading scrolls.

  • frigginconfused

    Scrolls back then werent paper. They were leather or papyrus. Mostly leather. But they were still too friggin expensive to be going door to door with them.

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