Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?

by I quit! 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Whether they admit it or not, many, if not most JWs know most of their beliefs will not withstand objective criticism or a challenge of any sort.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think in many cases JW children have to confront issues on a daily bases that their JW parents are able to skirt around for years without ever embarrassing themselves. Such as the national anthem. I know at sporting events JWs head for the restroom so they will be standing while it is being played so they don't have to follow the Watchtowers silly rule of not getting up for it when it is being played. Kids don't alway have they loop holes that their parents become masters at using.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    In my first post I said I was upfront about my beliefs as a JW but now that I have had time to think about it that was in the beginning when I first got involve with the Watchtower. Now that I have had time to think about it I have to admit that as time went on I became progressively more embarrassed about the things I thought I believed in.

  • WontLeave

    It's been my experience JWs can't prove their beliefs if their lives depended on it. Following the crowd is the only reason they do any of it. Most JWs have absolutely no reason to believe any of it, other than some article or some guy told them that's what they're supposed to believe. They tow the party line, because they're horrified of the people around them. Put them in another circle of influence and they're horrified of those people and follow that crowd. That's why so many JWs live "double lives"; because their entire existence is about fear of men. Almost all suck at public speaking because of fear of men, suck at the door because of fear of men, hide their beliefs because of fear of men, act like "good Witnesses" around JWs because of fear of men. So many JWs do or don't do things just because of what someone at the Hall might find out. Of course, they're terrified to go into a church, movie, adult novelty shop, etc.: What if it gets back to the elders?

    They knock on doors because of fear for the elders counting the time, then stumble over their nonsensical presentations because of fear for the householders. Nothing they do is based on confidence in God, Christ, or their doctrine. Nothing is done for positive reasons, only out of fear for negative ones.

  • dgp


  • jam

    Ashamed and Arrogant. Is that possible to be both???

  • MrFreeze

    Frankly I'm no longer a JW and I'm still embarassed to tell people that I used to be! Trust me, if JW's never had to say they are JW's, they would avoid the subject at all cost. I mean c'mon, look how JW's react when they come to your door and you ask them who they are? They go out of their way to avoid saying they are a JW, and that is while engaging in an activity that is supposed to identify them as a JW!

  • mindmelda

    I was when I was one. I never got over it, not really. Because I never really believed a lot of it. Pretty tough to spend 36 years that way just to keep your family.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    Frankly I'm no longer a JW and I'm still embarassed to tell people that I used to be!

    Well MrFreeze to me it is kind of like telling people that at 25 I still believed in Santa Claus. I don't like owing up to it either plus all the crap that goes along my wife still believing all that JW nonsense. I don't really like to talk about it unless I'm really close to a person.

  • TotallyADD

    WontLeave what you said is correct. I felt like that all my life. Also what MrFreeze said is how I am feeling now that I am fading away from this organization. We will see as time goes on. My wife thinks I should talk about it to future friends we will make. We will see. But yes most JW are ashamed of their beliefs. Totally ADD

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