Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?

by I quit! 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, embarrassment.

    Two long-time elder friends, on two separate occasions, said regarding continual flip-flops, that it was (1) 'embarrassing' and (2) 'not what I signed up for.'


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    That's gold, villabolo. Actually, the few motivated ones would make it difficult on the rest of us when they "stood up for their faith". When confronted about holidays or stuff like that, they'd be all loud like "NO! The Bible shows that this is wrong! Mr. Falcon feels the same way, right?" everybody all looking at me. Mortified.

  • Joliette

    Yeah, it used to feel weird telling my friends that I couldnt celebrate holidays growing up.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I think they are. I certainly was ashamed of a lot of their beliefs and would cringe. I am surprised I stayed in the religion as long as I did and do feel stupid. In order to not beat myself up over this, I rationalize to myself that it was just a learning experience in my life - like being in a bad marriage.

  • sabastious

    Oh yeah, many Witnesses absolutely hate having to explain their weird beliefs; they will avoid it at almost all cost.


  • james_woods

    Well, for sure I would have been ashamed to tell about the 7,000 year creative day (or the thinking/reasoning literal human heart) in science class.

    Except that I never believed either one of those ideas even as a JW high school or college kid.

  • straightshooter

    I never liked to declare my beliefs to schoolmates or workmates, unless they asked me a direct question then I would explain.

  • darthfader

    As a kid, I wanted to blend in, be like the others when they stood for the National Anthem or participated in holidays...

  • punkofnice

    Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?

    Oh yes! That's why the there's the 'admonition' to tell employers and school you are a JW!!

  • free2beme

    I think when you are young and trying to please others, you might be a little ashamed that you are standing up for something that seems to be anothers belief. However, when you get old enough to know that you can be yourself and not listen or care about what others think, you stand up for it like it is yours.

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