Jehovah's Witnesses - Are they loving?

by brotherdan 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    I think the problem with JWs is that they are stuck in a trap. Because they are caged and have to define their worth within this narrow paradigm it forces them to be hyper critical and judgemental. It makes nice people behave in an unloving way and say the most dreadful things because much of what they say and do is so deeply programmed. It is a knee jerk reaction in many cases.

    This board shows that once outside the witness context people revert to their more natural state and show love, compassion and kindness. They are also rude, bawdy and occasionally mad as a box of frogs. In short they are human beings who show all the facets of human nature. Are JWs more loving than others? No they are not they have to be hard and callous because the religion demands that they cut off all those who leave the faith and show no remorse over the billions who may die at judgement day. In addition so many are damaged and in dysfunctional relationships that it would be surprising if they were not emotionally crippled on some level.

  • DanaBug

    I don't see anger in Eggnog. I see him as self-righteous and extremely judgemental. That's what happens when you believe you have the only "truth".

    That said, I love that he posts here. It's a big reminder of the attitude and thinking that turns so many off. I'm sorry for some of the members that get the brunt of it though. I don't engage him anymore because I despise being called a Satan worshiper plus I have a hard time understanding what he's actually saying. It's not my reading comprehension (as he would say), he doesn't communicate clearly. Run-on sentences drive me nuts.

    SBC is right on. Religious prejudice. It's encouraged and justified. Society doesn't like prejudice anymore.

  • brotherdan
    That said, I love that he posts here. It's a big reminder of the attitude and thinking that turns so many off.

    I agree. I think it makes everyone stop and think, was I REALLY like that when I was in?!? I sure hope not.

    Honestly though, I can't understand the guy. He's had some very good arguments given to him. And he WILL NOT think about them. It shocks me that a person could be so closed minded and unreasonable. I guess that is what make some people here think that he is playing a character. I don't think we want to believe that a person could be so mean and blind.

  • mrsjones5

    I don't think we want to believe that a person could be so mean and blind.

    Well I believe it. I've seen nasty ones like Eggnog here and in chatrooms on yahoo (years ago when yahoo allowed creating theme rooms). They're a dime a dozen.

  • miseryloveselders

    Personally, I don't believe Eggnogg is a Jehovah's Witness, at least not in his proper state of mind anyway. I wouldn't judge JWs based off him. Reading his posts, I'm very suspicious of him.

  • Lore
    You knew God, so you are going to die. Are your prepared to meet your God? Well you'd better "get ready to meet your God." (Amos 4:12)

    Hey watch! I can insult you with a scripture as well you "stupid son of a whore!" ( 1 Samuel 20:30 )

    But it's ok if it's insensitive and dickish because it's comming from the bible. . . right?

  • brotherdan

    I like the "Message" bible translation of that verse:

    Saul exploded in anger at Jonathan: "You son of a slut!"

  • Lore

    I like the "Message" bible translation of that verse:

    Saul exploded in anger at Jonathan: "You son of a slut!"

    The use of the word 'Cahoots' just make it perfect!

    Letters written by witnesses are scary. . . I've never seen a non witness include a scripture refference in a personal letter. . . I've never seen a JW write a letter without one. They'll say the meanest things in a letter and then stick a bible citation after it as if it makes it ok.

  • brotherdan

    It'd be awesome to write "1 Sam 20:30" anonymously in a greeting card or get well card.

  • free2beme

    I think you have to make a line here. On one side is what the religion teaches, other the other is the human being who listens to those teachings. While the teachings do say, "Love Witnesses and those in the faith, and see all others as walking dead under the control of Satan." Not all the people in the religion act that way. Some love others, very deeply and make a point to care for and help relatives and friends not in the faith.

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