After a Lifetime Wasted on Atheism - He Finally Gets It

by Perry 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    After a Lifetime Wasted on Atheism - He Finally Gets It

    This statement is somewhat disingenuous in itself, implying that Flew admitted he wasted his entire career

    when the obvious answer to biological development as it is structured is answerable in the likes of the bible or other

    spiritual inspired manuscript.

    Perry and his sins when will they ever stop !

  • trevor

    DagothUr There's no need to be greedy. The Romans and Greeks managed to share gods and if you agree, we can be gods together.

    Lets raise a glass of perry to self appointed, sharing gods.

  • BurnTheShips
    Anthony Flew on Dawkins, does this sound like a person with dementia?

    Not at all. Flew didn't like the rumors spread about him:

    What is important about this passage is not what Dawkins is saying about Flew but what he is showing here about Dawkins. For if he had had any interest in the truth of the matter of which he was making so much he would surely have brought himself to write me a letter of enquiry. (When I received a torrent of enquiries after an account of my conversion to Deism had been published in the quarterly of the Royal Institute of Philosophy I managed – I believe – eventually to reply to every letter.)

    This whole business makes all too clear that Dawkins is not interested in the truth as such but is primarily concerned to discredit an ideological opponent by any available means. That would itself constitute sufficient reason for suspecting that the whole enterprise of The God Delusion was not, as it at least pretended to be, an attempt to discover and spread knowledge of the existence or non-existence of God but rather an attempt – an extremely successful one – to spread the author’s own convictions in this area.


  • cofty
    After a Lifetime Wasted on Atheism - He Finally Gets It

    What exactly did he "finally get"? He never did come to believe in a god who will judge the world or who cares who somebody sleeps with or or who prefers his worshipper's genetalia to be mutilated at birth.

    After his "conversion" he described the christian god as a "cosmic Saddam Hussein".

    He opted for a deist "god of the gaps" a tinkerer who kick-started the cosmos.

    If that's all your arguing for Perry you have a very small god

  • trevor


    The above quote could as easily be applied to the incessant onslaught of Christian belief.

    Once people adopt a firm position that they identify with, they will promote and defend that position.

    Such devotion proves nothing either way but it's entertainment value is as engaging as it is disturbing.

  • J. Hofer
  • SweetBabyCheezits

    BroDan, I just realized I overlooked some of your comments in reply to me. Many apologies, sir!

    However, atheists are not concerned about anyones salvation.

    No? I'm concerned about man's freedom from enslavement to a "moral" code written by goat herders a couple thousand years ago. I'm concerned that my kids - and others - will have to chant a pledge each day at school that implies we all believe in the same unseen, narcissistic God. I'm concerned that laws will be passed based on religious belief, laws that further limit my freedom of choice and that of my children, laws not found upon evidence and reason but based on the equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken. *borrowed from, ahhh, I can't remember who...

    I am not opposed to teaching evolution in school. But why not teach the study of creation in school as well and let the child see both sides of the issue?

    Because the study of evolution falls under the domain of SCIENCE. The Bible's creation account belongs in the category of MAGIC. I don't know too many public schools that are teaching magic right now.

    That said, if there is a god-creator, too bad he didn't look into the future and decide to give us an advanced scientific description of how he created the species! Heck, maybe we could've been allowed duplicate his work, which would be a great boon to theism. But that's not the case. So if parents want to teach their kids creation, they can take them to church.

    Can you prove that religion slows the progress of man?

    *sigh* Not for anyone who rejects the proof, no.

    We had a long thread on this not too long ago. Here are a couple of excerpts from Finocchiaro's translation of the Inquisition's judgement against Galileo for promoting the theory of heliocentricity. This is but one example of religion oppressing science:

    "And whereas this Holy Tribunal wanted remedy the disorder and the harm which derived from it and which was growing to the detriment of the Holy Faith, by order of His Holiness and the Most Eminent and Most Reverend Lord Cardinals of this Supreme and Univesal Inquisition, the Assessor Theologians assessed the two propositions of the sun's stability and the earth's motions as follows:

    That the sun is the center of the world and motionless is a proposition which is philosophically absurd and false, and formally heretical, for being explicitly contrary to Holy Scripture;

    That the earth is neither the center of the world nor motionless but moves even with diurnal motion is philosophically equally absurd and false, and theologically at least erroneous in the Faith."

  • Satanus

    Well, thank dog! The universe just shuddered. Oh wait, i think that was my tummy rumbling.


  • sabastious

    50 years of atheism and 30 published books... and his end consensus is "life is too complex, God must exist." Sounds like someone had a gun held to his back... that or he's just getting way too old.


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