After a Lifetime Wasted on Atheism - He Finally Gets It

by Perry 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    It fun having a Fundamentalist argue in favor of a Bronze Age God. T-Duality, Strings, everything changed.

  • Perry


    Of course we judge. We even encourage and establish it in our courts. We are moral creatures, and as such find it impossible not to judge. It is hypocritical to allow judgment for humans but not for a supreme being.

    This is a common criticism of atheists against God; which is in itself is an impossibility. For, if God doesn't exist - how can you judge his actions? Equally impossible, is that if the SUPREME BEING does exist - how could you judge his actions since they are supremely just and yours are not? The instant that you do, he isn't supreme anymore and you imagine yourself to be; which is the same illusion that is REQUIRED to be an atheist.

    I wrote this on another thread:

    Atheism REQUIRES that an adherent view himself as the supreme being. That is a fact by virtue of the definition of atheism.

    Webster Dictionary:

    Definition of ATHEIST
    : one who believes that there is no deity — athe·is·tic\?a-the-'is-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal\?a-the-'is-ti-k?l\adjective
    — athe·is·ti·cal·ly\-ti-k(?-)le\adverb

    The atheist would have to be God himself so as to search everywhere that there is to search in all possible dimensions to make the statement "there is no God". Yet, this is what the atheist believes.

    The atheist worldview is a worldview full of contradictions. Yet, these kinds of impossibilities are no problem if you imagine yourself to be the Supreme Being yourself. The problems I've highlighted above are logically unanswerable. However, when the atheist speaks, he really believes that his words become truth the instant that they leave his mouth, regardless of the impossibility.

    Atheism is a train wreck of the mind.

  • designs

    Perry- Maybe the problem is one that exists for those who believe in a God with anthropomorphisms (literal Man/Jesus in heaven). Every believer would be hard pressed to define what the 'stuff' of God is.

  • Perry

    That's an easy one. The essence God. As such, it is unique, one-of-a-kind .... impossible to compare with anything else so as to know what it "is".

    It was this essence that animated the man Jesus Christ. He was God almighty. He judged some cultures for sacrificing their children. Yet, when he stood in the path of justice and absorbed the death blow in our stead, he took the hit himself:

    Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

    Hebrews 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

    What a Savior!

  • designs

    Hebrews is fun, as in funny, here Jesus supposedly goes to heaven only to find Abraham and Moses and well everyone else already there and without his help. Not so special now eh.....

  • NewChapter
    We are moral creatures

    Speak for yourself!

    The atheist worldview is a worldview full of contradictions. Yet, these kinds of impossibilities are no problem if you imagine yourself to be the Supreme Being yourself. The problems I've highlighted above are logically unanswerable. However, when the atheist speaks, he really believes that his words become truth the instant that they leave his mouth, regardless of the impossibility.

    When people tell me what I believe. It makes for fascinating conversation.

  • Scully


    This is a common criticism of atheists against God; which is in itself is an impossibility. For, if God doesn't exist how can you judge his actions? Equally impossible, is that if the SUPREME BEING does exist - how could you judge his actions since they are supreme and yours are not? The instant that you do, he isn't supreme anymore and you imagine yourself to be. Which is the same illusion that is REQUIRED to be an atheist.

    Perry, there's more to atheism than just sticking one's fingers in the ears and chanting "I'm not listening! I'm not listening!" It's about testing the premise of belief and the evidence or lack thereof for the existence of a supreme being.

    Assuming that a supreme being exists, its supremacy indicates perfection. Its actions therefore are perfect. The supreme being would also acknowledge the imperfections and frailties of humans, which would indicate the suspension of judgement on the part of a perfectly empathetic supreme being, "realizing that we are but dust".

    If we're "just dust", why does a supreme being require our worship (or else)? That makes the supreme being appear to be a bully, and renders it imperfect and therefore not "supreme".

    If we are "just dust", why does a supreme being need our worship? That makes the supreme being appear to be a weak, insecure manipulator, and renders it imperfect and therefore not "supreme".

    If we are "just dust" and so bloody insignificant, why does a supreme being even give a crap about being worshiped by the likes of you or me? That makes the supreme being appear to be desperate, and renders it imperfect and therefore not "supreme".

    Why does a supreme being NOT require or need the worship of vegetation or animals or minerals? That makes the supreme being appear to target one of its creations for discriminatory expectations, and renders it imperfect and therefore not "supreme".

    Based on just those minor tests and the circular logic inherent in the supreme being/worship paradigm, there isn't enough evidence for me to ascribe supremacy to any god to the point where he/she/it is worthy of my worship.

    I'm happier in my non-belief than I was as a worshiping believer and am doing far more good with my life in my non-belief than I did as a worshiping believer, To me, that is evidence too.

    It's too bad that you just can't respect the atheists' position the way you expect atheists to respect yours.

    Cheers, Scully

  • designs

    Scully- Haven't you ever seen Cabbage bowing and praying before dinner time 'don't pick me, please don't pick me'....

  • OnTheWayOut
    Atheism is a train wreck of the mind.

    Quite the opposite.

    The best quote from the video is "...which looked to me like the work of intelligence." - Antony Flew

    People are free to "change their mind" or go in different directions. It seems to me that he reasoned well for decades and in his old age was not able to come up with his own "reasons" for things he saw, so he hedged his bets and changed sides toward the end of life just in case there is a god, but he didn't do it "half-assed" in case that god didn't believe his sincerity.

    Perry, my problem is when people are over the top with statements like: Atheism is a train wreck of the mind.

    I wish that there was a tiny bit of afterlife so that you could offer an apology to all the people you have helped deceive over the past years.

    I only say this to you personally, because of your over-the-top style. Here's some over-the-top things you need to hear:
    The Bible has been proven to be flawed and inconsistent. The God of the Bible is pro-slavery, pro-genocide, pro-rape, anti-women. That God is veangeful and angry, yet people who talk to us atheists accuse us of being "angry." It has been sufficiently proven that Man is older than the Bible gives room for, that the exodus never happened, and that David ruled a much smaller kingdom than the Bible describes. The people of the time of the Bible worshipped other gods. In short, the Bible is fiction with some truth in it. It's like "Gone With the Wind." It's fiction put in a factual setting.

    Also, if any type of creator exists, he/she/it has not properly instructed people how to live and whether or not to "worship" him/her/it. Since all this is true, it is just as likely that Zeus or Thor or Flying Spaghetti Monster is the creator as it is that anything Perry believes in is the creator.

  • Heaven

    Isn't this the man with dementia that some theists have befriended and taken advantage of?

    I find many aging people start fearing or at least wondering what lies beyond this mortal coil. If this guy has dementia, you can't take anything he says with any sort of credibility. I know. I'm living with someone that has dementia. Ho boy!

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