England is poisoned for me

by highdose 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dgp

    Sorry, as a "worldly", I have to step in:

    do you think your parents would love you the same if you would be a junky and spent all their money on drugs? No, they wouldn't.

    HELL YEAH! There are so many parents out there spending their every dime trying to rescue their junky children. Sometimes you have to actually tell them to think a bit about themselves because the junkies find a way to wring everything out of them.

    In the end the world in general behaves like a cult - if you breake the rules, in any society, you are shunned, at work, at school, on your street.

    Do I have to say this is not true?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    As a never-been-JW, dpg makes some good points.

    True love is NOT conditional. Sure, life is easier if a family member isn't a junkie or whatever, but the parents will still love the child nonetheless.

    The WTS sets itself up for failure, when they declare that true Christians love one another, and that this puts them above all other religions. As this thread, not to mention this whole board shows, the Christian love that they claim to have does not exist in congregations WORLDWIDE.

    Since leaving the JWs, I have seen what unconditional love it. Kind, loving people exist more outside the JWs than in it. The WTS tells their followers that they alone have love amongst themselves. This is a complete lie.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have a place like that in my past too. To everyone else, it's a Paradise.

    I going back to face those demons this year. Most of the people involved are dead or moved away, but places, sounds, foods and smells trigger memories too.

  • Heartofaboy

    Sorry you feel the way you do Highdose but it isn't the country of England that's at fault.

    Winter can be difficult if you long for the sunshine however the wait is worthwhile as Spring in the UK is utterly wonderful.

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Hej Highdose,

    Good to hear from you, I can relate to the feelings you have. I know that a person that has suffered terrible depression caused by trauma often feels that any trigger of the feelings related to the memory, cause great discomfort and sadness. For you all the lovely things about England, take on another facet, because you are looking at them through the veil of your bad memories.

    I have done the same for many years with my hometown in the north of England, because of a terrible childhood, jw indoctrination, rejected love, I feel a deep aversion to the place I grew up in. Yet I know deep down that my viewpoint would be the opposite if I had not had those experiences, I try very hard now to look at web sites about the place I grew up to try to feel at ease with it. I live abroad as you know and I do not miss England as such, but I do miss the british humour and character. I hope in time that your memories will fade, but at the moment I think that re-living the hurt and anger is all part of the recovery process. When I stopped taking meds, the blocked emotions poured out for quite some time, now after 4 years I am almost serene!

    All the best from minus 7 degrees with a stiff breeze that makes it feel double so cold!

    Chicken little

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