England is poisoned for me

by highdose 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • highdose

    I used to live in a part of England that was popular with tourists. The kind of tourist who wanted to experiance the "real" rural England. They would come to my town and thrill at the quaint old shops, delight in afternoon tea at the many little tea rooms. They would be in rapture at the green lush medows and hedgerows, fall in love with the grey stone castles wrapped in their veil of early morning mist. And they would say "Your sooo lucky to live in a place like this!"

    I would of course nod and smile polietly all the while thinking something very different. You see England, the land i was born in, is poisoned for me. It has been poisoned by a lifetime of being a JW. I knew my part of the world very well, better than most other locals. After all i did the FS, i had walked every back street and every lonely country road bible in hand.

    When others see the beauty of the place i see ghosts. I see the ghosts of memories past, i hear the demons of bad experiances cackling at me. And they are everywhere, snagged on every hedgerow, lurking around every corner. The isolation, the pain and the trauma. All of the whole JW package and all its foul memories, leering, sneering and jeering at the lonely pale person i used to be. Someone all alone in a "loving spirtual family" slowly using up all my own interanl resources to keep going. Finaly all i had was just the sheer determination not to let them break my spirt, but in the end they beat that out of me too.

    I used to love traveling to say Scotland etc. Such sweet relief, although i could never pin point why it was so. I guess i was too brain washed. I didn't relax on the M25 ( the main motarway around London) Neither could i relax going then north on the M1. I had to wait until getting past Peterbough before my taunt shoulders could slump with relief.

    Eventually i fled it for good. Three years ago, i took a trip to Heathrow, got on a plane, held out for just a while longer while the pilot made his annocements and taxied to the runway. I ordered champange to be put on ice from the stewardess. I sat in the window seat and watched the chocolate box feilds and cottages of England pass underneath me. Finaly we flew over the coast at Southampton, i watched as England slipped away into a mass of grey cloud behind me. I leaned back in my chair, relaxed those ever tense stomach muscles, my shoulders slumped, i picked up my champage and had a sip... it tasted so good.

    6 Hours later i touched down here. A land of such brilliant sunshine that there is no need to be afarid of the dark anymore. The unrelenting sun chases away all shadows, the streets i walk here are clean. Clean of ghosts and memories, ever welcoming and happy.

    I can never go back, never. Because i can never forget, ever. In three years i have yet to have one pang of home sickness, not even one. No i'm not on holiday in this land, i work here. I live here... I live here, have a life here, a live to be led and enjoyed here.

    My passport says "British" and has never reuturned from the one way trip i took it on 3 years ago. My photo albums came with me, but these are stored away safely. So safely so i cannot see them and they cannot hurt me with their memories,i even quite hope that time might ruin the prints.

    This is one expat that will never return.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Wow, I didn't realise you were English.

    I can relate entirely. I moved away from where I was living as a JW, to a new town in a new state. I needed a clean break. Just as you did.

    BTW, you have a lovely descriptive way of writing

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Highdose, I did the same but from Gatwick!.

    For me never accidently bumping into people (family) who made life a living hell for me was a huge attraction. Plus the sunshine. I am so glad you have a new and wonderful life and wish you every happiness. I would do it again if I could.

  • tia.dalma

    Let me understand this, you say England is poisoned for you, because of the bad memories you have- those bad memories are just in the field service or do you mean bad memories as being a JW in general?

    Because if those bad memories are in the field service, i don't think we should let ourselves influenced and affected so much because they reject the truth.

    Of course, I know it's easy to speak, but I was too affected by this when I started to go in field service, then, in time I began to be so untouched by the people rejecting that I did not care anymore about it and about them, and I only kept in mind the reactions that were nice, even now, if I want to remember exactly what a person who rejected said, I realy don't, because I don't care. I don't think we should take it personal when somebody rejects the truth. - even though, it might not be the whole truth that they reject.

    I just think of the field service as a chance to tell people that it is not God's fault for what is happening in the world today, that He will change things for humankind same day. I'm not even sure I want them to become witnesses, I just think that knowing the truth about God, having the answer to some existential questions and having hope for a better future will make their life better and easier in this world.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm not even sure I want them to become witnesses,

    That's blasphemy for a witness to say!!

    But I suppose if you truly believed in the Borg's teachings, you wouldn't be here.

  • Lozhasleft

    Wow thats a powerful post Highdose! My heart goes out to you. In many ways I can identify too. I feel very similar about North Wales which is where I was a JW for so long. You have said it better than I ever could though.

    I'm in England now with a new life and that brings some relief, but I often think if anything happens to my English husband, who is the love of my life, I would have to leave the country completely too. I've no idea how I would manage this at my age, I doubt I'd be able to emigrate but I will try and get out somehow.

    I'm glad for you in your new homeland. Live life to the full over there and dont look back. Hugs.

    Loz x

  • looloo

    i had to leave town too as i knew the ex min servant that abused my daughter would be going back there after his prison sentence ! and just the sight of his stupid supportive wife and his moronic family (jws ) that support hin despite knowing hes a child rapist out on the "field service " made me want to scream to the the householder "dont listen to them , they support child molesters !" i hate going back to that place !

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    What a wonderful descriptive way you have with writing . I can feel and understand exactly what you mean . A shame such a beautiful countryside has been tarnished for you by the JW experience .

    The small town I live in is considered idyllic by many .....but at every turn I am only reminded of the shackles and oppression I felt under the Wtbts thumb. When the weather is nice here everyone enjoys walking their dogs along the park like streets .For me it is not so enjoyable ....to walk my dog down my street I have to pass by six different JW homes all former friends that will not even afford me a wave hello . Two of those homes are occupied by my husbands nephews ....one never even informed us of his blessing of a child ,the other would not even call to say he was getting married . When I do venture by and any of these former friends are outside they turn their heads in glorified shunning or quickly walk in the opposite direction . It is hard to be reminded everyday I was raised in and wasted over 40 yrs in a CULT . I would love to move on and pretend it never happened ,but how do you do that with daily reminders like this ...?

    I am so happy for you that you were able to move away and start fresh ! Bask in the sunshine Highdose and soak in the freedom you now have .

  • BluesBrother

    How come you managed to escape, Highdose??

    Over here the lunatics are still running the asylum...

  • punkofnice

    I live in the UK. It just rains all the bladdy time. Where I live, the area is a right crap hole but it's quiet.

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