If Armageddon came tomorrow, would Jehovah kill a billion children?

by just n from bethel 168 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    Yes. And don't forget all the in utero babies too. They're all buzzard meat as well.

    Because apparently, while you're in the womb, according to my MS Father, you can piss off the Holy Spirit the same, if not more than after you are born.

  • frigginconfused

    Babies in utero arent born yet. Cant count a chicken before its hatched. Holy spirit cleanses that fetus if the mother makes it . Born in a baptism of water.

  • NewChapter

    Babies in utero arent born yet. Cant count a chicken before its hatched. Holy spirit cleanses that fetus if the mother makes it . Born in a baptism of water.

    Unless it dies before it is born. Then it doesn't get a resurrection. Conclusion: Born beings future lives are important enough to warrant resurrection, unborn beings future lives are not considered at all, and therefore, abortion does not disrespect life.

  • brotherdan

    This is where JWs are so completely wrong. Revelation talks about a 7 year tribulation. So "Armageddon" could not happen "tomorrow". Plus, God's judgement is only on the wicked. Children are not old enough to be judged as wicked. So it is reasonable to conclude that they will be saved. The rapture of the church (the righteous) would thus include a rapture of all children since Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.

  • brotherdan
    That's the 'Christian' message as well.

    designs: Could you show me proof that this is the Christian message?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You know what the Bible says, Dan. Most of us here, do.

  • brotherdan

    I don't see the NT talk about destroying children. Show me a scripture in the NT where God condemns the children of the wicked? Children that are not old enough to make a stand for righteousness.

  • ProdigalSon

    As long as we keep thinking of being "saved" in terms of these physical bodies, none of this will EVER make any sense. What the hell is the point?

    We exist on a million different frequencies, AM, FM, UHF, VHF, microwave, gamma wave, etc....but our present biological bodies keep us restricted to AM Radio!

    Why the hell should dolphins be able to communicate telepathically and not humans?

    Why do some humans have that ability and some don't?

    Why would "God" condemn practices that would hone the ability to work with the very things that HE PUT IN PLACE unless the Biblegod was a lesser a-hole who wanted to keep us down?

    Why would the True God condemn consulting the stars for information when he purposely put them there as SIGNS?

    Stop worshiping your Bible and get your head out of your arses!

    Rant over.

  • NewChapter

    Dan, what is your take on the children killed in the flood and at sodom and gomorrha? And if, like you say, children are assured a place in heaven, then the Chrisitian message remains...children are better off dead. Like what Sully's ex friend said, better the children should die now than face armegeddon later.

    So, with that reasoning, 90 percent of Asian children are better off dead, because they will never embrace Christianity because they were born in the wrong place, so better to get into Heaven young, than suffer in hell when old. The Christian message does not love life. It is full of death and suffering that extends to children. To pretend otherwise is just disingenous. A Christian's entire hope rests on his or her DEATH. Unless you are coming from a JW view, where a precious few won't suffer death. But for the majority, DEATH is where it is all at. And this life is pretty worthless, something to be endured, something inflicted on us. It's not the real life.

    The "Christian" message is no more happy than the "JW" message. In some respects it is much worse since at least JW's don't believe in hellfire.

    You love your bible. In it, god killed children. god killed babies. god killed people that had never heard his message. Apparently, the children were the lucky ones.

    Edit: and as far as the NT/OT arguments, the OT god is the one that begat Jesus, and Jesus was in complete agreement with his father, so we should not dismiss OT accounts if we are going to value NT accounts. Jesus loved everything his father did, including killing children.

  • wannabefree
    All humans old and young that should die will.
    To you a baby is an innocent being because you cant see far enough forward to tell who they will become.

    A baby Adolph Hitler raised with whatever influence he had his first 20 years from 1889 to 1909 I would have to think would be totally different from a baby Adolph raised in a post Armageddon world.

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