Hey,Its almost 10 am,on a Sunday!!!

by aquagirl 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thenoblelodge

    It's 4.10pm, wet, grey and miserable outside. I've been sorting stuff out all day because we're moving soon, but all I want to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and eat cake while watching a film on telly. Heaves a big sigh and carries on..................

    edit to add: took 5 mins out to check in here but really, really have to go now.

  • DagothUr

    I played all day long a game that has something to do with my nickname. I was playing it at 10 AM, when in my town the JWs gather for the sunday meeting. They got bored to death for 2 hours, I got excited in front of my computer and I loved it!

  • mrsjones5

    It's 9:10am here now. Just got out of bed after dozing for the last couple of hours, my youngest just ran into my room and asked "When's breakfast?" Time to get the bacon cooking.

  • clarity

    Gorgeous yellow sunlight greets me this morning, warming my little bruised heart. As I slurp my steaming coffee and eye the raisinbran muffin atop of this desk ... I realize all is right with my world today. Wishing you the same.


  • Pistoff

    I am back from a business road trip, catching up slowly, drinking coffee and browsing JWN; the sun is pouring down, melting away any worrisome ice on the south side of the roof.

    Beautiful here today; 40F!!

  • littlerockguy

    11:35 am here, spending a lazy morning drinking coffe watching cartoons and listening to musc and browsing the web and JWN.


  • cyberjesus

    sitting on gym toilet, bout to shower then coffee then tiffanys then dance rehearsal then dance class then dinner then dancing

  • AudeSapere
    sitting on gym toilet

    tmi but thanks for sharing

    It's 10:40am. I've been up for about 2 hours. Had a cup of coffee and slice of banana bread on my patio and watched the golfers play. Classic 70's music playing in the background. 65 nice degrees and sunny. Should reach 72 today.

    Now about to get ready to meet some friends for Sushi lunch up the coast toward SantaBarbara to celebrate someone's birthday. Just a few of us long-term friends. One of whom is also an ex-jw from my former cong.

    Life is sweet. And I LOVE my Sundays now.


  • WTWizard

    I generally spend Sunday mornings in front of my computer, posting and looking at what's new on these apostate boards. I have music on mini discs (which are relatively hounder-proof, since they usually lack equipment to play and censor it and I will simply claim it is "music" and be vague if pressed for an answer). Behind the computer is a big weeping fig tree still lit up with Christmas lights (and will be all summer--some of the lights are inside the tree, helping to give them at least a little light).

    Sure beats going to the Kingdumb Hell, listening to another boring discourse that really lacks information as to what you are supposed to do besides bringing everyone else in (and what are they supposed to do), and being hounded to waste the afternoon in field circus.

  • transhuman68

    Sorry I missed your Sunday morning, ag. It was Monday morning here, which seems kinda screwy, but hey! If Armagrddon starts, I can give you sixteen hours notice!

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