If you could choose one book to suggest to a JW...

by SweetBabyCheezits 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • unshackled

    @Mr. Falcon...Cool Hand Luke is a great movie.

    To those elders (bosses): "What we've got here is failure to communicate."

  • cyberjesus

    I think the Finished Mystery is a great idea. Its their book so no fear, but they will experience fear when they read it.... from their own literature. Great Cognitive Dissonance. The goal is that they will read the whole thing.

    A book I read that got me all the way to loose my belief on the bible was "Who wrote the Bible" After chapter one I saw more holes in the bible than cheese. That also expedite my mental departure from JW and from religion all together.

    I ve heard of Mistakes were made and I like what I heard I wanna read it :-)

    lots of choices..... I ve pulled 3 out of the borg. and I am working on 2 more :-)

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Excellent ideas. Thank you all for your feedback! I'm going to give this thread another day or two and then tally up the votes.

  • warmasasunned


  • wasblind

    " LOL @ WB. Don't go by the pic - I could be a bald 87 year-old hermaphrodite in reality. "

    I'm ROFL Sweets

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