If you could choose one book to suggest to a JW...

by SweetBabyCheezits 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    OTWO's second suggestion: Mistakes were made but not by me.

  • d

    I would would suggest The God delusion By Richard Dawkins. A good book for anybody questiong the existence of God.God is only in our mere imaganations.

  • wasblind

    How about thier own literature,

    on page page 71 in the Reasoning book it states that the eating of blood is equated to fornication

    and that all fractions should be avoided. on page 73 transfusions are the same thing as eating

    they still use this book don't they ?

    In the Awake August 2006 on pages 11 & 12 it says the bible does not comment on fractions

    so therefore they are leavin' it to be a conscience choice

    The question is, if the inspired word in the bible did not comment on this, who's decision was

    it ? how can what they wrote in the reasoning book become old light, when it was never lit to start with?

    cause according to them in the August awake 2006 the bible never commented on fractions

    again how can light become old if it was never lit ? Yea right , the light get brighter, won't nothin' burnin'

    their own literature does the trick I say.

  • leavingwt

    The Myth of Certainty by Daniel M. Taylor

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Excellent suggestions and thank you all for the comments. Please keep them coming! I may go with the book that wins the survey here.

    True, WB & Zoiks as LWT and others have said, the most damning information about the WT Society rolled off its own presses.

    D, I enjoyed The God Delusion but I think it would be too much for him this early. I'm talking baby steps. But thanks for your input, nonetheless!

    A question about the Hassan books: Did anyone read his stuff when they were devout? I'm concerned the title alone would trip his defense mechanism but I've heard so many great reviews about it that it might be worth the risk. I just don't want to shut him down completely.

    The Jon Krakauer book sounds awesome, too, but is there a chance the murder segment might cause a break in the parallel for him? I need him to draw from the similarities, ie, Mormons who have strong, happy families, and develop good qualities.

    I had not even heard of Mistakes Were Made but the Amazon summary sounded pretty intriguing. I'll add that one to the list.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Lemme just put this out there, too. This guy knows I'm DF'd for apostasy but he also knows I wasn't spreading my views outside of questioning my parents and discussing the issues with him. He knows my wife and I were sincere in our desire to find truth. We haven't talked to him at all since the announcement in October but I also haven't really tried.

    That said, I decided to start dropping like a monthly email to him. The email consists only of a subject line, no body or other content. Yesterday, I sent one with "The Milgram Experiment" as the subject line - that's it. My hope is that he will Google it since I've said nothing else. Then I'm hoping he'll try to figure out the correlation from my perspective.

    Really, I'm hoping to just leave some breadcrumbs for him to pickup but if I could find a book that has no direct relation to JWs or the org, I might be able to "place" it with him. The key, I believe, is subtlety since we all know how cult programming works to protect cherished beliefs.

  • gutted

    I would be very cautious with Combatting Cult Mind Control, there is reference to Jehovah's Witnesses in it, not in the main text but I in either one of the Appendixs or futher reading sections.

  • wasblind

    " The key, I believe, is subtlety since we all know how cult programming works to protect cherished beliefs."

    well I think your doin' alright SBC

    But I'm prejudice when it comes to you anyway

    cause you had me at the first picture you posted

    of yourself, I almost became a cougar and a cradle

    robber if I could have, I had to jump back and catch myself

  • slimboyfat

    The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture by Bart Ehrman.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Thank you, Gutted. I guess I need to read it myself before I try to fly it in under the radar.

    Thanks, WB, the use of subtlety was one tip I learnt at the KH. They warned about insidious little seeds of doubt... which, as it turns out, is exactly what you need to circumvent cult programming.

    EDIT: LOL @ WB. Don't go by the pic - I could be a bald 87 year-old hermaphrodite in reality.

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