Bethel Entrants' School Lecture 2-D

by Marvin Shilmer 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan
    Special Dish Duty!

    BLLLLLAAAAHHHHH!!!! I forgot about that one too. I've blocked alot of the bethel experience out of my mind. It was a very strange 2 years of my life. ALthough, I did like the family nights.

    Funny story. One of my buddies at bethel was in a band and performed at family night in Patterson. They did a cover of "Dream" by the Everly Brothers. The family night committee made them take out the words "Gee Wiz". So the song went

    "The only trouble is


    I'm dreamin my life away"

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Having listened to all the GB, Barr was the only one with a rather pleasant "sleepy-time" voice. Sydlik was the only one that I would have gone out of my way to hear... but that was before he got sick. He was easily confused in his last years. I was at an International Convention where he gave the second half of his talk twice.

    They're just men, and not great speakers, really. Of GB 2.0, I might go out of my way to hear Losch, just to record it and circulate the idiocy that invariable comes out of his pie-hole.

  • brotherdan
    And some of em were not good speakers.

    Karl Klein was the WORST! I'd hate to use the mic after him...I'm sure there was drool all over it. I always liked Sydlik though.

    Has anyone ever heard any talks by Ray Franz from when he was on GB?

  • undercover
    The family night committee made them take out the words "Gee Wiz".

    And people wonder why witness parties are so lame... golly gosh darn it

  • brotherdan

    They asked if they could say "Cheese Wiz" instead, and they just got a blank stare. Party on!

  • brotherdan

    I found a talk by Karl Klein. If you want to hear a bad speaking it is! It made me laugh... Karl - The Role of Christian Women.mp3.html

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