I am new here too!

by NVR2L8 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Welcome. Inch by inch live is a cinch. Yard by yard

    life is hard.

    Sour Grapes

  • snowbird


    Wonderful news!


  • mamalove

    Looking forward to hearing more. I enjoyed your intro! Perhaps your wife will wake up soon. Has she gotten to work outside of the home much? Does she like to research, or is it more of a fear of the unknown, fear of armageddon, and loss of her friends she is aprehensive about?

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    NVR2L8 ,Welcome to you ! There are so many of us that have such similar awakenings ....looking around at the older ones at the DC and thinking that will be us very soon ,was definitely a thought I had . Much of what got my mind working was first from the Watchtower Society itself not apostate sites .....those only confirmed what I already suspected .

    I hope your wife will join you in really living the rest of your life .....

  • crazycate

    The things that eventually got to you are the same things that eventually got to me. I couldn't imagine going door-to-door saying, you know what I've been telling you for 30 years about the 1914 generation still being alive when the end comes...well, forget that. I know I said I could prove it from the Bible but, turns out I can't. Ha ha. Cough, cough.

    Hope things work out well for you.

  • NVR2L8


    My oldest child lives 350 miles away and on my last business trip in that area we went for diner together. I came out and explained what was going on with me - quite a shocker it was! I tearfully begged for forgiveness and said that now I was starting to understand by experience that shunning is in way an expression of love. I was reassured that I would never be alone because they will always be room in their house for me.

    My other child was never baptized and attends meetings but is barely active is very close to my wife...and I think that both believe their sticking to the truth may help come back to my senses...we used to discuss some of my findings on the WTS, but lately the subject is being avoided...just like with my wife.

  • NVR2L8


    I am an unconditional fan! What interesting reading material you have made available and that letter from the mature elder you posted touch me deeply. Thank you for all.


    I read everything you post with great interest and if I was to choose the poster that better discribe me, it would be you!


  • mouthy

    NVR2L8,Welcome! Great to have you aboard.Sorry about your wife still entrenched
    I too am an oldie 83 ,I find many oldies are beginning to think .Like Jean Eason.Have you
    read HER book "A Jehovahs Witness Finds The Truth" ? Excellent book.She now has another
    book called "A Birds Eyeview Of the Bible " At the back are many testimonies of other EXJ W
    I do hope you wife will see the light soon . God be with them & you


  • cantleave


    Another escapee - makes my heart rejoice. I was captive from birth till age 42, served as an "appointed man" from early 20's and was an elder when I left. I was lucky, my dear wife joined me within months and now our kids are having a normal childhood.

    There are some losses in terms of family and friends and I hope most of those will awaken in time too. Your story and those to similar to yours keep that hope burning.

    There's no turning back for you now just a future of freedom from a cult.

  • foodalls

    Welcome NVR2L8..(Like how you did that!...Yes being "Gentle" with your wife is very good advice and your children too. I was struck by how simular your life in the WT was very much like mine was (47 yrs) I have 3 grown children that are still "Trapped" in the JW's...but I send them info on my new found life outside the org. I have a brother that lives not more than a mile from where I do and i have shown them info that is "Awakening" them up to a "NEW REALITY" that few people know is out there for them to see!

    So welcome here!...and its a very good idea to read "Blessed" brother Raymond Franz's book "Crisis of Concsience" ...thats should lessen any feelings of doubt you may have about leaving...but there is a LOT more to see about the WTBTS...Go to "Six-Screen of the Watchtower.com website and hear first hand how bad things are there! Its a real shocker!!!

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