I am new here too!

by NVR2L8 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Welcome to the board NVR , look forward to hearing more from you

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome! While your wife is attending meetings, do something for your benefit to distract you from her absence. Are your kids and grandkids still in? What about the child you shunned for 10 years?

  • LivingTheDream

    Welcome NVR2L8,

    That is a great name you chose because you are right. It's never too late to get your life back!

    Stay strong my brother, you will get through this and be better and stronger for it.


  • NVR2L8


    I recall checking it out and I found good information there and in othe sites. I understand that there may be some spikes in the number of earthquakes in short periods of time (I believe 30 years cycles), but in a longer range the trend is steady to the point where scientists can accurately predict how many occurances are expected including their intensity. What realy hit home with me is that the WT stated that since 1914 there were more earthquakes than the total occurances from Jesus' time! How can they make such a claim when there is very little or no data at all for long periods of history? Also, there must have been earthquakes allong the San Andreas fault long before America was discovered...how would any one know? Even in the reasoning book, to make their argument stick they say that today's earthquakes are more intense, cause more loss of lives and material damage ($) than any before - of course this is true because today we can measure every sismic activity in the world, more people are affected killed du to the population increase and the monetary losses are much greater due to inflation!!!

    I hope this makes sense toyou since English is not my first language.


  • yknot

    Kewl!!! People near my parents age waking up!!!

    Dare I think this thread is a little slice of 'hope'!!!

    Your wife's response is normal.....She is scared.

    Keep reaching out for her be the best husband you can be....

    Be willing to make 'trade offs' like doing the FWN if she will read through our history via older publications. Attend a meeting if she will skip one equally.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum.

    How is your relationship with your child now?


  • Retrovirus


    It makes perfect sense - and btw, English wasn't my first language either. I found it amazing that the jws would blindly accept such claims in the wt literature, and then be confident to "teach" me the "truth" without any further checking.

    And when I pointed out the retraction in 2002, they checked it, and were equally confident that the biblical reference to earthquakes as a sign meant that they affected more people, or caused more damage, or more distress - of course, none of which can be verified in any way.

    Now I understand better, I've learned a lot here about the jw mindset, and also that jws are scared away from reading anything outside wt literature and discouraged from getting a good education.

    As you keep reading, you'll find the shoddy claims extend to anything that contradicts the current beliefs. I find it quite difficult to chat with my jw friends without offending them by pointing out too much too soon. A little at a time, and much patience is needed.

    All the best, Retro

  • smiddy

    Welcome to the forum NVR2L8

    Many of us here have a favourite book that sealed the fate of the WTB&TS,and it`s a bit daunting to know where to start

    After 33 yrs in the "truth" I found Don Camerons "Captives Of A Concept"priceless,browse it through Lulu

    Just a suggestion


  • ThomasCovenant

    Thanks for posting and wish you well.

  • NVR2L8


    ...lately then Awake magazine featured an article stating we should expect "more" earthquakes in the future...but it doesn't indicate if more means an increase in occurances or more in the sense that earthquakes will occur again...We can pretty much guess what a good JW would read into this!


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