Congresswoman Shot in Tucson

by leavingwt 442 Replies latest social current

  • villabolo

    Journey-on: #8 below, villabolo.

    I remember BTS spamming my threads with rambling, multi-page, anti-Castro poems in Spanish.

    Huele la tuya. = Smell your own.


  • Giordano

    Editorial NY Times

    "Between 1994 and 2004, it was illegal to manufacture or import the extended clips as part of the ban on assault weapons. But the ban was never renewed because of the fierce opposition of the N.R.A. At least six states, including California and New York, ban extended clips, which serve absolutely no legitimate purpose outside of military or law enforcement use. At a minimum, that ban should be extended nationwide, and should prohibit possession, not just manufacture.

    The gun itself was purchased by Mr. Loughner at a sporting goods store that followed the bare-minimum federal background check, which only flags felons, people found to be a danger to themselves or others, or those under a restraining order.

    Mr. Loughner was rejected by the military for failing a drug test, and had five run-ins with the Pima Community College police before being suspended for disruptive activity. Why can’t Congress require a background check — without loopholes for gun shows or private sales — that would detect this sort of history? If the military didn’t want someone like Mr. Loughner to be given a firearm, neither should the public at large. "

  • thetrueone

    Good point Giordano.

    It wouldn't be entirely impossible to institute a program where anyone wanting to purchase a fire arm to

    be screened by practicing psychiatric doctors first, to be used as a precautionary first step of following procedures.

  • villabolo


    It wouldn't be entirely impossible to institute a program where anyone wanting to purchase a fire arm to

    be screened by practicing psychiatric doctors first, to be used as a precautionary first step of following procedures.

    And how much would that cost per person getting a useless one hour evaluation by a hundred dollar an hour shrink? Hint, don't forget the bureaucratic costs.

    Once you got the costs figured out explain them to the ghetto mother.


  • BizzyBee


    She's been so quiet lately. Perhaps her twitter-finger is broken?

  • DaCheech
    Let's take back the 20, together!........Ooooooo! I wonder what she meant by THAT?!

    let's give her the death penalty for that one!

    All these Sarah Palin hatin' lefties have not prooven one once of guilt on her actions!

    All these lefties are for death penalty? aren't lefties against the death penalty?

  • journey-on

    You liberals are a piece of work. You're as loony as Loughner. Look at Bizzy's "cartoon" above. Repulsive. The Tea Party is a legitimate voice. It does not advocate violence, but the Lefty Loonies are not going to stop until they hang something....anything.....on them. It will be a sad day in this country if that happens.

  • BizzyBee

    It's already a sad day, JO.

    The Tea Party is a legitimate voice. It does not advocate violence

    It condones, threatens, encourages, and excuses violence.

    "WE CAME UNARMED - THIS TIME." How else is one to take that, other than as a threat of violence if they don't get their way? That sign was carried, not by just one person at one event, but numerous people at numerous Tea Party events, to the point that the slogan is clearly identified with the Tea Party movement.

  • journey-on

    Oh, for heaven's sake, Bizzy. You are ridiculous! Any large organized group is going to have a few radicals that go overboard. That includes the Lefty Loonies like you. You are absolutely 100% wrong if you think the Tea Party as a group advocates violence such as what was perpetrated in Tucson. They do not.

    I would venture to say that if some radical touting him/herself as a Tea Partier is saying such things, it's probably a Lefty Loony like you trying to infiltrate the group and stir up a sh*tpot; or, taking advantage of some emotionally unstable person and stirring the cauldron of hatred. That's exactly the kind of thing you Lefty Loonies would do, imho.

  • sooner7nc

    People people people...tsk tsk tsk. You're all forgetting something very important. We humans are animals, highly advanced animals yes, but animals none the less. We maim and kill better than any other animal. We're the virtual Michelangelos of violence and horror, and nutbags like Loughner will find a way to birth the mayhem that they will. If it's not guns it will be knives or poison or bombs or a thousand other ways to kill and maim. How many would have died with your standard Intifada suicide vest as the weapon instead of a G19? The magazine size is irrelevant compared to the larger question of how to recognize and contain people like Loughner who are more prone to this kind of action.

    I'll let you in on a little secret. Those in power in this society, who can't or are unwilling, to control people like Loughner love it when the public at large focuses so much energy on something like the what-ifs of magazine size. Well, then again maybe it's not a secret.

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