Worldwide Service Report for 2010 / Yearbook 2011

by Designer Stubble 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • alanv

    Just done some quick number crunching and most of the report does show quite good increase for them.

    However the interesting thing I found was the following

    Average publishers 2009 =7,046,419 Average publishers 2010=7,224,930 = 2.5% Increase

    Average baptisms 2009 = 276,233 Average Baptisms 2010= 294,368 = 6.5%

    So it shows 6.5% increase in baptisms and only 2.5% in average publishers

    So as usual they attract new ones but then lose many of them after their baptised

  • wobble

    It will be good to analyse the report when someone scans the whole thing.

    The thing I pointed out to my B.I.L, Uber-Dub, Elder etc, a couple of years ago was that at least several hundred a week are walking away, and these are people who have studied, believed,got baptised, preached and lived the religion,often for many years, and yet they leave.

    It did not seem to make him think, and he offered no explanation, but as I said, "strange, if it is the truth".

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The %increases aren't as important to me as the numbers themselves.

    They had an increase of 178,511 publishers but 294,368 baptized. That's just 6 new publishers for every 10 people baptized.

    But their growth is still staying ahead of population growth, unfortunately.

  • sir82
    Seldom if ever see the JWs nowadays and when I see them, it's mainly middle-aged and older women witnessing.

    Yep, the overall numbers continue to increase, but the demographics are shifting at (relatively) lightning speed.

    A generation (non-overlapping) ago, industrialized nations led the charge. Young people worried about societal upheavals & the planet's future joined in.

    Today, it's the dirt poor 3rd-worlders and the mentally or emotionally ill who are streaming in.

    Great, they've got all these people getting baptized. Now what do they do with them? They don't contribute $$$.

  • Soldier77

    11 202 - Memorial participants.

    That's lower than I had anticipated, but it is an increase over last years' partakers.

  • Cthulhu

    The overlapping generation grows!

  • BluesBrother

    Memorial partakers....according to the figures above and my own uncertain maths....

    2007 - 9105

    2008 - 9986 = increase 9.67%

    2009 - 10857 = increase 8.7%

    2010 - 11202 = increase 3.17%

    It was in January 15 WT 2008 that the WTS opened up the heavenly calling by stating that the call was still open and had not closed in 1935. This resulted in a big increase in partakers..Now the rate of increase seems to be leveling out a bit , but still increasing, something that would have been unthinkable in my young days, when a steady decrease was seen as a mark of Gods spirit directing new ones to the Earthly paradise

  • alanv

    This is from an article under the subheading of Six convincing lines of evidence

    Sixth,thenumberofgenuineanointeddisciplesofChristisdwindling,thoughsomewillevidentlystillbeonearthwhenthegreattribulationbegins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.

    2000 Watchtower 15 Jan page 5

    Anybody convinced?

    The other convicing arguements are no better than this.

  • Botzwana

    At this rate of growth with the annointed it won't be long before they have 144,000 back!

    I was talking with my wife the other day thinking if all of us on these boards went to the memorial and partook....Wouldn't that REALLY raise the number up? That would be the greatest practical joke in history! How many members are there here? Let's make a pact to partake at the next memorial.

  • Hairyhegoat

    May be thats why the figures are up each year.... Apostates are already having there fun !!

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