"Are you In the Truth?"

by Nickolas 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    Just stopped in to see what was happening. Nothing, I see.

  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    AGuest should be able to take communion in any church because it is clean then but she would not "touch" the unclean thing (the mainstream churches) If all it took was AGuest to enter a memorial and partake then we would all be able to do that in various places and make a difference but reality proves otherwise doesn't it...even younger members are looked upon as forgetting their place from what has been written about.

    numbers generally do mean something...in this case it would seem that the Holy Spirit has confirmed something to believers unless we have all been dreadfully deceived and Almighty God is powerless to correct our error until AGuest came here, of course...which isn't reasonable considering her limited audience.

    AGuest is quick to correct everyone who disagrees with her...that is not humility...she KNOWS because her lord says so...she's passing the buck, really, if you don't agree with her take it up with him she says...how many that ARE genuinely meek and mild and impressionable are going to question her much less take the step of possibly questioning "the lords words"?

    honestly, don't YOU know that if she is being led by something other than the Holy Spirit then she IS misleading others and the one that misleads her doesn't care about her or anyone else...and that IS the attitude that she has displayed here...whether you listen or not is of no concern to her she says...she is only working out her own salvation...that totally goes against the REASON for the gospel message. It is because of and on account of the love and concern that Jesus has spread abroad in the believers heart that we even care to spread the gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ. (besides...if she is in Jesus Christ she has salvation and there is nothing to work out)...

    I have NEVER questioned her love for the one speaking to her...I do however question whether that one loves her...as stated in the above paragraph.

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    dear Tammy...

    you quoted:"You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."...

    who was Jesus speaking to?...was He speaking to someone (or anyone) that had accepted His claims and acted on them?...NO...He was speaking to the ones that rejected Him and His claims!

    love michelle

    p.s. I'd like to stay and talk to you about this but I have to go and feed my people now...xo

  • tec

    I'd like to stay and talk to you about this but I have to go and feed my people now...xo

    No worries. I know what that is like. Making some apple turnovers right now myself. (Pilsbury - I am good enough to do real ones, but lazy... oh so lazy) Talk with you later.


  • AGuest

    Shelby bangs head on keyboard...

    Okay, Michelle, if you insist. But, sadly, only to put dear Nickolas out of his pain...

    Is it wrong to ask you about your character if, as you say, you have been sent here to minister?...

    Not at all. Is it wrong to ask me... then take issue with the truthful answer I give you? You have to decide that...

    you are quick to correct what you believe to be errors in other peoples way of relating to Jesus Christ...

    Not that that is a crime (although I know it irritates the heck out of you)... but you have a problem with that because??

    I don't think it is too far a stretch to point out that the other members of the church can help you out in seeing your errors.

    I don't either. And they do. And I have absolutely no problem accepting what they point out... so long as they ARE members of Christ's Body. If not, then that means they are "strangers". And I no longer listen to the voice of strangers.

    I know that the bible says that we are being made over in the image of Christ.


    I also know that Jesus gave us a very important mission, to evangelize the nations.

    Ummmm... no, see, there you error. Pardon me for pointing it out but he sent his apostles to "Judea, Samaria, and the distant parts of the earth." He sent Paul to the nations, by way of the Jews. He sent me... to the Household of God, Israel... and those who go with... who in this particular place. He has sent ME nowhere else. He has sent others TO me, however...

    I question why you call yourself a good for nothing slave yet at the same time as you want us to believe you.

    Goodness, girl, you're 0 for 0: I don't care what you... or anyone else... believes. I call myself what I am. To say different would be lying. I know exactly what I am, what I've done, who I've been, and who I've become. I say the truth when I say I am a good for nothing servant. Everything that I have done... in my service to God through Christ... is nothing. No big deal. Because it is what I ought to have done anyway.

    and by that I don't mean "follow" you.

    Yes, I understood you...

    you have stated that most of the church doesn't have the faith to hear Jesus speaking because if we did we would, in fact, hear him

    This is only partly true. You assume I address the "church" when I say this. Now, if you mean the Catholic Church, well, yeah. This is true. If you mean the Body of Christ, you are in error. Most do have such faith... which is how they know they are OF that Body/church. Now, that they don't all openly profess it here is, as I have said on numerous occasions, between them and Christ. It is none of my business.

    (circular reasoning?)

    I don't believe so. You tell me: why don't YOU hear? And please, don't tell me that you do. Because if you did, you wouldn't be calling some other guy/guys "Father."

    you have said yourself that people love to be told what to do what not to do and what to believe...

    This is true...

    don't you understand that some of those very people might and dare I say WILL just eat what you feed them?...

    Or what YOU... or your priests... or your pope... feeds them? Absolutely. It behooves me, then, does it not, to make sure that what I share IS the truth... as well as came FROM the Truth, yes? How about you? Where are you getting your "food"?

    you have also stated that your lord is not part of a trinity

    This is the truth; he is not.

    do you think that some people would believe what you say simply because they don't hear your lord?...

    They shouldn't believe it because I say it; they should believe it because HE said it... and says it yet. You believe he IS a "trinity"... because some men have told you that that is so. A trinity takes three, Michelle. "Tri". There is the Father... and Son, who is the Holy Spirit. Even the Bible "says" so (2 Corinthians 3:17). Now, I count two. How many do YOU count?

    this bothers me for the simple fact that I don't believe that the one you love so much loves you.

    And this is why I refrain from you. Your blasphemy. Unfortunately, because you believe that YOU are right, even more so that Christ... you cannot help it. You've been handed over to it... and there's I can do about that. You chose your course.

    I have tried to discuss this privately with you before and you refuse to listen or discuss

    I do.

    is this humble?...

    I'm sorry, but I am to humble myself before God and Christ... and those who belong to them by means of a union with Christ. Although I am not obligated to, however, I also humble myself as to you... by not exercising the authority I have been given over you (John 20:23). I keep myself from thinking of you at all... until you make an issue... so that I don't "judge" you. In my heart... or otherwise. If you sin remains, therefore, it is because you will it to. Not me.

    the bible says that we are being made over in the image of Jesus Christ...and it also says:

    I find it quite interesting, Michelle, that you believe I "owe" you something, you who keep denying my Lord and his love for me. You have even called him a demon. Yet, you think you and I are "brothers"... and in Christ. Where do you GET that from? I do not consider you brother in Christ... because YOU deny Christ. I have told you who speaks to me, how it is that I hear and know what I do. And even here, you deny that truth. In what way, then, are you and I brothers? How can the words of Peter apply to you AND me? They cannot.

    AGuest...how many times have you told everyone that you are not nice, you are not kind, you are not etc., etc.,

    Many. And will most probably do so many more times. Because it is the truth.

    ...these are characteristics that the Holy Spirit wishes to develop in a christian!!

    And when I manifest such "fruits", it IS that Holy Spirit... IN me, Michelle... and not me. I cannot do it without him. Unfortunately, I am honest about that, something you... in all of YOUR good righteousness... obviously cannot understand. Which is just more evidence to me that no such Spirit dwells in YOU.

    ...after 15 years spreading your message and "hearing" your lord since you were a child why haven't these qualities been developed in you?...

    Because... I am a sinner. Something I readily, honestly, and openly admit. God's good gifts upon me are due to any special qualities that I've developed, you slow hearted one. They are due... entirely... and solely... to HIS goodness. HIS mercy. HIS undeserved kindness. And while the qualities may not have been developed in me, I am permitted, from time to time... to demonstrate them. Like now. When I am being kind... and long-suffering... and exercising GREAT self-control... with you. Because me... on my own... really would not be so nice. Me, sinner that I am... would probably have gone off on some tangent and told you just how dense you really seem to me to be. Praise JAH... you have not been given over to me, but to the person I am by means of the Spirit operating in me. Because I think... we would both lose and end up in the pit. You, for your self-righteous blindness... and me, for my lack of love. But... at least I'm trying.

    why do you continue to slag the churches, the clergy, and the congregants and the bible?

    Slag? When is telling the truth slagging?

    ...why is it all you say is get out of them because they are the harlot?...

    Ummmm... first, they are not the Harlot. They are the DAUGHTERS of the Harlot. And she (the Harlot)... is the "mother of the harlots". What I say, however, I say... because it is the truth. It is the truth... because I received it from the Truth. But, the word of my Lord to me is that, since YOU know, why don't you share with us what he has shared with YOU as to who they are?

    why is it that you wont "touch" the "unclean thing"

    Because... it is unclean. I will refrain from saying "duh."

    yet you WILL go to the WTBTS memorial to show others how to do it?

    Yes! The temple at Jerusalem became unclean... by means of the unclean priests and others within her. Yet, my Lord entered her day after day. Jerusalem itself was rejected by God because of their rejection of my Lord. Yet, he told his disciples NOT to leave from her until HE told them to.

    ...that's ridiculous...

    That's you very dense... and very erroneous... opinion. The every thing that can most of those folks what they are longing for... everlasting life, indeed, a resurrection... is the ONE thing they're being misled from putting themselves in line for. By OBEYING A COMMAND OF CHRIST... not only in their "temple" but in front of their very eyes... is my witness to THEM... of who it is that I follow. You don't like that? And that's supposed to mean what to me?

    AGuest I think that whoever you are hearing is subtle in leading you away from the Truth...

    Christ is the Truth, Michelle. Something you obviously haven't been able to grasp yet and, given your blasphemy yet again, I'm not sure you ever will. As a result, this really should be the the last time we correspond, Michelle. Because your blasphemy is going to come back upon you. You don't even have sense enough to say, as did Gamaliel, "Okay, if she's wrong and God is not with her, it will be shown out." Nope. You have to take matters into your OWN hands... and continually judge His house servant. But that is not your place, is it? And so he has given you over to your blasphemy.

    and isolating you from the great crowd of witnesses that are there (have been built up since the BEGINNING of the church)as a safeguard...

    Well, call me crazy, but I will take my Lord's words to go in through the narrow gate (which he is)... and FEW are the ones finding HIM... than worry about some great CLOUD of witnesses (you should at least get the reference right). While that cloud of folks may indeed be great (16, plus the Prophets and some others, according to the writing), it is still small. Otherwise, you also say Christ is a liar (watch your blasphemy, Michelle) when, regardless of any others might say, HE is recorded to have said, "MANY... are called... but FEW... are chosen."

    the fact that there is a huge body of believers that gather in these churches should indicate to any reasonable person that...the Holy Spirit is still adding to the church daily...

    Okay, NOW you sound like Jehovah's Witnesses. Seriously, Michelle? You really haven't read your Bible, have you? Since when is large numbers any more indicative of the presence of the Holy Spirit... than a small number? Indeed, than one? Eight souls were saved through the Flood. Four people were saved out of Sodom, and one of those still lost her life. How many fought with Gideon? How many angels did it take to subdue Assyria? Large numbers of people flocking to churches/religion is no more an indication of the presence of the Holy Spirit... than is vast real estate holdings... ornate cathedrals... worldy wealth... publication circulations in the gazillions... or more. You continue on your broad and spacious road, by all means.

    I wonder who it is that makes you think that you are a good for nothing slave because it wouldn't be Jesus...

    You're right. Because there is no "Jesus." But no one makes me THINK it; I know it because I know myself... and have no problem admitting what I am. Because it's the truth. My Lord, however, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA... the Chosen One of JAH... has never called me such. Most times he either calls me "child"... says, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

    He thought you were worth dying for and you are most precious in His sight.

    In his sight, yes. Because I am truthful with him... and you. Since he already knows what IN me , there's no point in lying to him... or trying to hide or deny what is in ME. And if I lie to those who belong to him, well, I might as well be lying to him. Yeah, I know... you don't get that.

    have you ever questioned why you think this way

    Well, no, Michelle. I KNOW why I think... and believe... as I do. Because of the One from whom I receive it.

    or haven't seen any progress in being made over by the Holy Spirit after all this time?...

    Oh, no, no, no, no... I've seen GREAT progress. I mean, if you look at my posts over the years you will see a MUCH more kinder, loving me (at least, I think so!). The Holy Spirit has made GREAT progress in me. BUT... if he were to ever leave... I would be back to me, again. Me, as I truly am. Which is not nice, kind, loving, peaceful, etc. I am only those things when he dwells in me. Without him... well, I really don't want to go there.

    love michelle

    So you say here. Were you to go back and read what you've posted, however, you might understand why I MUST disbelieve you. Which I do.

    A slave of Christ,


  • tec

    And when I manifest such "fruits", it IS that Holy Spirit... IN me, Michelle... and not me. I cannot do it without him.

    This had a lot of meaning for me, Shelby, thank you.


  • AGuest
    AGuest readily admits to not possessing any of the christlike qualities in a bid to appear humble...

    Actually, Michelle, you're wrong again. Because I'm not humble at all. I admit it because it's the truth.

    if she does possess those qualities but says she doesn't to appear humble that's lying...

    Yet, if she truthfully admits she doesn't possess those qualities... she's lying and only doing so to try and appear humble. Oh, the little children in the market place! How TRUE my Lord's words were about you!

    let her examine for herself why she says the things she does instead of excusing her...

    She says them... because they're true. What part of that is giving you the most problem?

    I have spoken to AGuest privately and publicly and literally as soon as I showed any disagreement with her I was dismissed and called pathetic...

    No, Michelle. It was when you blasphemed... as you are yet doing. When I am done here, I am going to dismiss you again for the same reason.

    I recall when I first went to speak to a pastor after I stopped studying with the JW's and we spoke about many things and disagreed about most things...I was not dismissed nor called pathetic...

    While I admit I dismissed you... and will again when we're done here... I don't recall calling you pathetic. I may have said I had pity for you... or that something you said was pathetic. If I did call you pathetic it was because, truthfully, you demonstrated that you were. Otherwise, I would not have stated such a thing.

    nor would I show that callous disregard for any that disagreed with me...not even AGuest.

    Well, that's because you... and they... are nice. I've have honestly and openly told you... I am not.

    AGuest feels she is impervious to your words (my words, any mans words) because she has the Truth...

    Well, yeah. The Father said to listen to HIM. HE said that his sheep would listen to HIS voice... and not the voice of strangers. You went to a "nice" stranger. Good for you. (BTW, I don't really have my Lord, the Truth... well, not as the WTBTS and others would use that term. I do know him. I am known by him. I do hear him. And I do see him. I am in union with him and he with me... and we with the Father... so, in that light... or should I say, his Light... I guess you could say I "have" him, yes).

    As for your comment to dear Vanderhoven (peace to you!) that

    "... you see Vander her spirit trumps anything that has been believed on by millions and millions since the beginning of the church"

    regarding my comment to you that:

    "Again, then, dear Michelle, I am sorry but now I have to reject entirely that you even are who you are claiming to be... or sent for the purpose you are stating, as my spirit... and the Holy Spirit, with whom my spirit bears witness... direct me to do. "

    What in the WORLD does what millions and millions have believed have anything to do with (1) anything, and (2) that I rejected your false claim, based on what the Holy Spirit told ME? YOU... and perhaps those millions and millions... are the ones who deny the Holy Spirit... and how it is that he teaches us: though the anointing and NOT through men.

    it's a fact that the Holy Spirit will meet with a willing and open heart,

    The one whose heart is open and willing, yes. You don't even believe he speaks... except maybe to pastors and popes. Seriously.

    she has shown there isn't anything we can do to "wear her down".

    Nor should I. Yet, you keep trying. Why IS that?

    AGuest should be able to take communion in any church because it is clean then but she would not "touch" the unclean thing (the mainstream churches)

    Oh, my gosh... where in the WORLD did you get THAT idea? If my Lord were to send me into another "city" I would readily go. And partake of his flesh and blood. I follow HIM, Michelle... wherever HE goes. And I go where he sends me. He hasn't sent me anywhere else.

    If all it took was AGuest to enter a memorial and partake then we would all be able to do that in various places and make a difference but reality proves otherwise doesn't it...even younger members are looked upon as forgetting their place from what has been written about.

    If everyone who knew that partaking was the right thing to do entered and did it, it would make a difference. True, I am one small, lone rock. And there are a couple/few others. But again, what does the number matter? What matters... is that I obey. And I do. For the sake of any who see and just bring themselves to ask about it.

    numbers generally do mean something...

    Not to God, or Christ, the Holy Spirit. Whoever told you that lied to you.

    in this case it would seem that the Holy Spirit has confirmed something to believers unless we have all been dreadfully deceived

    Well, we all know the JWs have been dreadfully deceived. Why are we to assume they are the only ones?

    and Almighty God is powerless to correct our error until AGuest came here, of course...which isn't reasonable considering her limited audience.

    He didn't send me here to correct your error. If that were the case, you would have ceased your blasphemy a long time ago. Indeed, you wouldn't have even entered on that course. He sent me to those who already hear... and those who wish to. Then HE will correct their error, whatever it may be, through Christ. I am just one who hears and as a result of such hearing say, along with the REST of his Bride, "COME!" I agreed to come... in the hopes of working out my own salvation and that of my household. Whether ones hear... or refrain.

    AGuest is quick to correct everyone who disagrees with her

    I don't believe that's accurate. I simply state what true as to God, Christ... and the Bible. Now, if someone has stated something in error, and what I states disagrees with that, so be it. But no one has to agree with ME. Indeed, they don't HAVE to agree with God... Christ... or the Bible.

    ...that is not humility...she KNOWS because her lord says so...

    I know... because the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the Son and Chosen One of JAH, the MOST Holy One of Israel, told me, yes. What do you want me to say... that I told myself? Seriously?? You are MORE than welcome to ask for yourself, Michelle, which I have said on MANY occasions. Problem is, you'd rather take the cowardly tack of bullying me than grow some, get down on your knees, pony up to the Door... and ask for yourself. Because you DON'T have such courage... or FAITH... however, you've let your heart become jealous and envious... even hateful... so that you have blasphemed against that One... under the guise of "lovingly" putting me in my place. Rotteness to the bone is what you carry in you. Because you are more concerned with YOUR being right... than his. Utter folly, that.

    she's passing the buck, really, if you don't agree with her take it up with him she says...

    No. NO ONE should "agree" with me simply for the sake of agreeing. Anymore than they should agree with your priests and popes. Or others' elders and GBs. Or reverends and pastors. Or sisters and superior mothers. One should ALWAYS take it up with him... unless and until one begins to hear him for themself. In which case, their spirit will bear witness with the TRUTH of what I share. Because it came from him.

    how many that ARE genuinely meek and mild and impressionable are going to question her much less take the step of possibly questioning "the lords words"?

    You utterly misunderstand what it means to be mild and meek. Has nothing to do with being impressionable. Moses was mild... and meek. Yet, he killed man. Then he went to Pharaoh and said the THE LORD had said to let Israel go. Who heard it, besides Moses? Who saw the bush other than him? Not that I am comparing myself to him, but unlike Moses, I wasn't given some sort of talisman as sign such as was provided for Pharaoh. Why? Because I am NOT sent to the UNBELIEVERS, such as Pharaoah... such as yourself. If I WERE, I would have been something to "show." I have been sent the BELIEVERS... the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with. Who don't need a sign.

    honestly, don't YOU know that if she is being led by something other than the Holy Spirit then she IS misleading others and the one that misleads her doesn't care about her or anyone else...

    IF. But I am not. I have openly honestly professed who is it that leads me and to do so would be utterly blasphemy against that Spirit were it not true. Get a grip, Michelle. YOU are the blasphemer, here.

    and that IS the attitude that she has displayed here...whether you listen or not is of no concern to her she says...

    Nor should it be:

    "You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious."

    "I have made you as hard as rock! So don't be afraid of them or fear their angry looks, even though they are such rebels. Let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then go to your people in exile and say to them, `This is what the Sovereign LORD says!' Do this whether they listen to you or not."

    "Whenever I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, `This is what the Sovereign LORD says!' Some of them will listen, but some will ignore you, for they are rebels."

    she is only working out her own salvation...

    Trying to... and that of MY household, as well. Because I cannot save anyone, even my own self. I can only hope that by doing as my Lord directs me, saying as he tells me... I will be shown mercy. I believe I will be, because he promised me. So... here I am...

    that totally goes against the REASON for the gospel message. It is because of and on account of the love and concern that Jesus has spread abroad in the believers heart that we even care to spread the gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

    And yet, how will they hear that message... unless someone is SENT? Many claim to have such a message, yet it falls short. Why? Because THEIR message... and yours... is, "Go to those men, those people, and THEY will tell you how to get to God." My message, as I received it from the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, the One who says "Come to ME...".... is "Come! Take life's water... which can only be had FROM that One... free!" I say this because the prophecy IS:

    "The Spirit and the bride say, "Come."Let each one who hears SAY, "Come."

    I don't really hear YOU offering life's 'water', Michelle. Yet, that is what the prophecy said the Bride... and those who HEAR... would be saying, isn't it?

    (besides...if she is in Jesus Christ she has salvation and there is nothing to work out)...

    My Lord was without sin. Yet, he "repented" of his "sins". Why?

    I have NEVER questioned her love for the one speaking to her...I do however question whether that one loves her...as stated in the above paragraph.

    And you blaspheme in your doing so. But, it isn't up to me to prove that to you... or judge you for it. Hence, I leave you to my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Chosen One of JAH, the MOST Holy One of Israel.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Vanderhoven7

    Oh..did I say "will"? ;^)

    Yes, you did. You said And yes, happiness depend on what happens. It is called the indefinite future tense. As in "Will you enjoy yourself at the dance?" and the response "it depends on what happens." I take my English grammar seriously. Call me a nitpicker.

    "Happiness depends on what happens." is a statement in the future continuous tense. It is the same as saying "happiness depends on the situation being experienced at the time". The statement is correct the way it stands "Mr. Nickpicker" ;^)

  • AGuest

    Apple-y turnovers, dear tec??!!!! Omigosh... (Shelb begins to drool)...


    Peace, dear one!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,

    (who just dribbled down the front of her sweatshirt), SA...

  • garyneal

    Was your question answered, Nick?

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