Would You Let Them Touch Your Junk?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    If they dare touch my junk, there better be a happy ending in it for me.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    NEVER and I won't let them full-body scan it either

  • donuthole

    I believe such an intrusive search is invasive and would not submit nor would I submit to a body scan with unknown radiation effects. More than that I would never subject my daughter to such an invasion of privacy and dignity.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Like the old saying, 'give them an inch and they'll take a mile' - the time to flat out REFUSE is NOW!

  • Yizuman

    I know that flying is easier to get to places, given to some people that have time constraints. But otoh, people are missing out on what they could see if they traveled by car. There's so much beauty out there that it'd be a shame life went by and never got to see what's out there.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Have you seen the youtube video of the news reporter traveling to Disney with his wife and three yr old daughter ? You would not be making so many jokes if you heard the sheer terror in the little girls voice as she screamed " STOP touching me ! DON't do that ....STOP " ......I can not imagine doing that to a child . Her teddy bear had been taken from her to go through xray ,which made her cry . Because she was crying and throwing a tantrum the metal scan went off (maybe she touched the sides ) because it went off she had to be patted down and wanded . Yeah she was an obvious threat to my flying safety ...I am sure . meanwhile since they are so busy with this fiasco how many real threats were missed .

    Freakin common sense is not being used . Maybe TSA will give them a course on that for their employees.

    It is a huge problem that these people selected to do scanning and searches are NOT well trained in using common sense. News reports are now showing many cases of "OOps our agent was not trained effectivally in handling this situation " How comforting ....not .

    The 71 yr old man that told them he had a knee replacement ,he was man handled and ultimately humiliated when the TSA agent pulled on his pants during the pat down causing them to fall to the floor in front of everyone .

    Or the four yr old disabled child forced to remove his leg braces and made to try to walk w/o them even though his parents told the agents this was not possible for him to do comfortably w/o support .

    If we allow this conduct to continue unchecked how far will it go ? How much will we give up ?

    Benjamin Franklin : "Those who would give up essential Liberty ,in order to purchase temporary safety,deserve neither Liberty or safety " ...something to consider

  • Snoozy

    People get arrested and sent to jail for feeling a young child inapproprietly why should it be OK for the airlines?

    I just read that th epilots will now be exempt form the scanning in many /most airports. Now the flight attendants are fighting for the same thing.

    They figure if they want to they could just wreck the plane..

    They also said that someone had a bomb in their underpants and got through at the airport but the bomb didn't detonate.

    They didn't say where they were coming from but said they were headed to Detroit.


    ps..I was just thinking of the "Child Molesters paradise" thread. This would be an ideal place for a lesbian or gay person or a child molester to work..doing the body searches. They would be able to search/feel up the bodies of their own sex (which they favor) or the child molesters would be able to molest/search all the young children. (which they desire) Sick!

  • Leolaia
  • designs

    My wife just got back from a East Coast trip and had the Scan coming and going, everything went smooth and everyone going through the check-in seemed ok with the new process.

  • mrsjones5

    This would be an ideal place for a lesbian or gay person or a child molester to work..doing the body searches. They would be able to search/feel up the bodies of their own sex (which they favor) or the child molesters would be able to molest/search all the young children. (which they desire) Sick!

    Snoozy honey, was it really necessary to slam gays? *sigh*

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