I'm not that important to Jehovah? Well, damn. Now I see the WBTS stance.

by easyreader1970 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • easyreader1970

    Last night during the Bible highlights, the brother (an insane and extreme zealot of an elder) said that people cannot expect Jehovah to communicate with his servants directly anymore. Not because it wasn't part of his plan, nor because he has the All Powerful and all Knowing Governing Body in place, but because we really just aren't that important. Not important enough to warrant one one one communication. Yikes. Of course, everyone in the congregation sits there like: "Yes. Yes, it's true."

    Then it hit me. These are people who are excited about the potential of spending all of eternity enslaved to a God who finds them individually unimportant and only useful for carrying out his physical labor. If you're doing anything other than singing praises to him or trying to find other converts, then you are a complete waste of skin and should be put down.

    What ... the ... hell.

    And this is a good thing? At least Satan throws you a bone.

    It was about this time during the meeting when I started thinking ... I wonder if there is anyone else in this building like me right now ... Someone else who is married to someone who has been conned by the Watchtower but doesn't want the tremendous emotional train wreck that would follow if they left the "Truth".

    I wonder.

  • tec

    Since this one is so easily refuted by scripture, I'll let the scripture speak for itself.

    Luke 12: 6-7 "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

    parallel scripture in Matthew 10:29-31

    Even the sparrows are important to him.


  • Satanus

    Yah, under the ot the leaders and some others got personal visits by god or angels. The nt and new covenant was supposed to be better, w more personal attention, w jesus PERSONALLY being in touch w ALL christians. 'Course, the wt has rejected that concept. According to them, neither jesus nor yhwh do anything. The gb has taken the reins. Yhwh is off somewhere, on the outer edge of the universe resting, after a big creation. Jesus is supposed to be flitting around the earth, directing or observing, or something.


  • Satanus

    The bible picture has god and man moving ever closer together. The wt has the opposite, god pulling away, abdicating from humanity.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Your just a good for nothing slave only doing what you ought.

    They are very good at keeping self esteem beaten down, the members are more managable that way.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Keep up the attitude and you're gonna lose out on our master's undeserved kindness. You were born into sin via Adam/Eve but OmniGod didn't even have to give you life. He doesn't need you. (Except for praise.) Your life was a frickin' gift. And it has a purpose: to worship him. Okay, so maybe he does need you. But he doesn't force you to worship him. He gives you.... wait for it.... "free will": Serve him or die. It doesn't get much freer than that, I don't care what logic says.

    Besides, who are you to question OmniGod? Are you omni anything? No. So just because his actions refute his description, creating a logical vaccuum, that doesn't mean he's a figment of man's imagination.

    "The most preposterous notion that H. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery."

    - Heinlein

  • tec

    swayed by their prayers

    Swayed by their prayers, yes... I believe as long as they are not against his will. The rest of the stuff in that quote, no.


  • Satanus

    "Are you omni anything?"

    Does omniveris count?


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Tammy, FWIW, I was writing up that post before I saw you joined this thread. I tend to be more vocal, sarcastic, and obnoxious when it looks like it's going to be a predominantly non-believer thread.

    But are you saying god doesn't want praise? And he's okay with people who don't praise him?

  • tec

    You worry too much about me, SBC, but I appreciate your concern, and your diplomacy when dealing with others who don't share your views :)

    Yes, I think God wants praise... but to the benefit of others, not himself. To bring others to Him, instead of turning people away. Praise however is best shown through our actions... or at least WITH our actions.

    And there is a difference between wanting praise and wanting saccharine adoration, since saccharine is often used to describe sickeningly sweet. Just as there is a difference between 'not being okay with people who don't praise him' and 'becoming petulant if he doesn't receive such flattery.' Some people don't know him, TO praise him. Those people who do, should be letting their light shine, so to speak - which is ultimately for our benefit.


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