Generation Teaching - Everyone is speechless?

by Red Piller 443 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    The only thing DJeggnogg has accomplished by commenting on this thread

    is that he has opened the eyes of many. Because they now know what a farce the WTS is.

  • wasblind

    Outlaw, you owe me a new key board.

    I just spewed coffee all over it LMAO

  • designs

    It was a Typo, they really meant to say long and watch it all come true

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OutLaw you are priceless.

    This board would be so dull without you I truly do not know what we would do if you were not here. I just cannot read Eggnogg's stuff anymore but I get the jest of it from you.

    OMG does Eggnogg reminds me of an elder in my hall and I truly wonder if it is him. I could so see this elder in my hall being on this board, from some of the things he has said on done at the meetings and said to my face. Eggnogg sounds just like him and how he talks.

    OutLaw if eggnogg is this elder Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your great wit toward him, you truly make my day.


    PS I think you might owe me a keyboard also I have spit on my keyboard so many times reading one of your posts. Thank you again.

  • Leolaia
    When someone refers to "a 360-day lunar year" they are either repeating the sloppy, incorrect terminology of 19th century Protestant Bible expositors and/or they have become confused themselves.

    Exactly. The ancient Jews used two forms of calendrical reckoning. The calendar that had regular 30-day months and 12 months consisting of 360 days was not the lunisolar calendar but the schematic/solar/sabbatical calendar — a completely different system. There were calendrical documents at Qumran devoted to synchronizing the two calendars. Nor did the schematic calendar have only 360 days in a year, for there were also four epagomenal days that lay between the months as markers of the four seasons (the two equinoxes and the two solstices), giving a total of 364 days in a year. Since this was divisible by seven, the calendar would always have the festivals fall on the same days of the week and avoid conflicts with the sabbath found in the lunisolar calendar.

  • thetrueone

    I think what we've witnessed here on this particular thread is a devout JW who is practising what is recognised in JW world as

    spiritual warfare a la djeggnog, in supporting the WTS.. On this thread there has been an extensive pulling back of the

    pretentious and corrupt white sheet of righteousness off the Watchtower Corporation. The WTS. was built off of misguided

    false information, with all the pretense of rightful Christian preaching of the gospel work. It would be intellectually dishonest

    to say that the commercial aspirations of this publishing company did not have any driving connection with the WTS

    self-proclaimed doctrines. The soon to come end of the world and a new earthly paradise draws much public attention,

    it's a marketable suggestion nevertheless, even if it is somewhat of a maligning exploitation from the good book.

    What is so upsetting about this organization is that it has self-proclaimed itself as god's only truly guided

    representative here on earth, which put under scrutiny by using the bible itself proves to be quite a false statement .

    The divine power established by the WTS is nevertheless power worthy in certain men's eyes to hold on to, even if it takes an

    accumulative amount of effort ( lies ) to maintain it. This is where djeggnog comes in.

  • djeggnog

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Again, our interpretations of Jesus' prophecies do not somehow transform our interpretations into prophecies themselves. Anyone that should accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of doing this would be woefully ignorant of the difference between a prophecy and an interpretation of a prophecy.

    @wasblind wrote:

    In the [Reasoning] book on page 60 under the heading of EVIDENCES of INSPIRATION it states: " It is filled with prophecies reflecting DETAILED knowledge of the future--something impossible for humans. On page 97 in the Reasoning book the chart gives detailed [knowledge] of the times and the seasons

    You have an apparent reading comprehension problem. The Reasoning book wasn't designed to help those with the ability to comprehend what things they read. IOW, it wasn't really written with you in mind.

    Acts: 1:7 states: " it does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the father has placed in his own jurisdiction." The WTS has attempted to go against the teachings of Jesus. And as long as they keep doing so, they will continue to be proven as false prophets.

    You quoted Acts 1:7 as if you understood the context of what Jesus says to his disciples on this occasion in response to their question (at Acts 1:6) as to whether Jesus was then "restoring the kingdom to Israel," as had been the prevailing view of what would occur upon Messiah's coming. Since the spirit had not yet been poured out, Jesus' own disciples were unable to discern that what had occurred was Jesus' first coming, which explains why they were not yet aware that the kingdom of God was a heavenly kingdom that would never be able to exercise world rulership if it were situated here on earth.

    I do realize. @wasblind, that you have no idea what Acts 1:7 is discussing and that you would be incompetent to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses have attempted to disregard ("go against") the teachings of Jesus, and you certainly have yet to provide evidence to me of our having been proven to be false prophets. What's funny to me is that you really do think you have the ability to understand the things that you have read in the Reasoning book, when your "reading" of it with respect to what constitutes evidence of inspiration demonstrates a severe ineptitude on your part to comprehend what the section of the book on "Dates" is saying.

    In fact, in this particular section under "Evidences of inspiration," three (3) examples of prophecies by Isaiah, Jeremiah and Jesus that are recorded in the Bible for our benefit are provided, as well as how each of these prophecies were fulfilled, proving that all of them were from God and that none of these men were false prophets. But someone that doesn't suffer from reading comprehension as you do would have to explain what you were reading, since words do have meaning, and you don't know what the words in that section mean nor can you understand these things conceptually without help from someone that does (like one of Jehovah's Witnesses).

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Only if you should think you know more than I do about what things the Bible teaches as to what constitutes one a false prophet, yes, I would. As I recently pointed out to someone in this thread, my understanding of how one might test whether or not a prophecy contained in the Bible is from Jehovah God, by observing the following checklist based on Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and Deuteronomy 13:1-3, assuming that this alleged prophecy of God is found in the Bible:

    #1: The prophecy must be fulfilled.

    #2: The prophecy has to be in harmony with God’s commandments.

    #3: The prophecy promotes true worship.

    @Ding wrote:

    Does this mean that the only time the false prophets' tests of Deuteronomy 18 and 13 apply is if the prophecy itself is found in the Bible?


    That would mean that if the Israelites in Jeremiah's day couldn't apply these tests to determine that the false prophets were really false prophets until after Jeremiah or some other inspired writer put those false prophecies into writing and it became part of the canon of Scripture.

    Only you and thinkers like you would construe what I wrote on how one might determine "whether or not a prophecy contained in the Bible is from Jehovah God" to mean that Deuteronomy 18:20-22 and Deuteronomy 13:1-3 would not have any applicability to proving whether someone is a false prophet unless the prophecies under consideration were first written down and made a part of the Bible canon. This statement of yours suggests to me that you need to consider a Bible study with one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Does that make sense?


    Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?

    Yes, but I'm sure this is not unique to what things I have said here, for I would find it extremely difficult to believe that you don't always misunderstand the things that people say. For example, I have no doubt that if you were traveling west and were told to drive to the first traffic light and go south to get to the highway that you would make it to the first traffic light, but would instead of making a left turn you would make a right turn because you, like @wasblind, don't seem to be able to handle concepts very well, ideas that for other folks are simple ones.

    You may disagree with me and you're free to do that, but I have read your posts and I understand where your problem with understanding my posts lies.

    @TD wrote:

    A lunar month is not 30 days. That's popular misconception.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Tell me this, @TD, in view of the above 30.33 average over the three Jewish years, 5770-5772, since the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendaring system based on the new moon, why would you say that "a lunar month is not 30 days" when a lunar month has always been reckoned as being 30 days in length? This may be a "popular misconception" with you, but not with the rest of the world, especially the Jewish world. If you joined this thread to be deliberately argumentative, I'll need to remember this so that I do not feel compelled to ask you why it is you determined to post such a message.

    @TD wrote:

    A further problem exists in statements like: "..the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendaring system based on the new moon." The Jewish calendar is actually a lunisolar calendaring system based on both the new moon and the equinoxes and always has been. --Big difference.

    @djeggnog wrote:

    Yes, the nation of Israel did use such a lunisolar calendar (also called a bound solar calendar), and which stands to reason since with the month of Nisan (Abib) their sacred year began with the requirement laid upon the nation to celebrate certain seasonal festivals, which celebrations required their compensating for the differences between lunar years and solar years, but so what? Why would you be here describing the Jewish calendar as being "a lunisolar calendaring system" at all, when this has nothing to do with a Jewish month being equal to an average of 360 days?

    @TD wrote:

    A lunar year is 354.37 days giving an average of slightly more than 29.5 days per month, That's the whole point of interspersing 29 and 30 day months throughout the year. When someone refers to "a 360-day lunar year" they are either repeating the sloppy, incorrect terminology of 19th century Protestant Bible expositors and/or they have become confused themselves.

    @Leolaia wrote:

    Exactly. The ancient Jews used two forms of calendrical reckoning. The calendar that had regular 30-day months and 12 months consisting of 360 days was not the lunisolar calendar but the schematic/solar/sabbatical calendar — a completely different system.

    You say "exactly," but I don't see exact agreement in what you are saying here with what @TD and I have both said with regard to the Hebrew calendar being "a lunisolar calendaring system based on both the new moon and the equinoxes...." You are saying something quite different here, but perhaps you, too, seek to be deliberately argumentative with me, which is fine with me, except I'd like to point out to you that you are also being as argumentative with respect to what @TD's point was in this thread as well, for we both happen to agree on the Jewish calendar's being "a lunisolar calendaring system," @Leolaia. I have no idea where you are going with any of this.


  • wasblind

    DJeggnogg claims:

    "I do realize. @wasblind, that you have no idea what Acts 1:7 is discussing and that you would be incompetent to explain how Jehovah's Witnesses have attempted to disregard ("go against") the teachings of Jesus, and you certainly have yet to provide evidence to me of our having been proven to be false prophets. What's funny to me is that you really do think you have the ability to understand the things that you have read in the Reasoning book, when your "reading" of it with respect to what constitutes evidence of inspiration demonstrates a severe ineptitude on your part to comprehend what the section of the book on "Dates" is saying

    DEEGY baby, why don't you follow along with me in the reasoning book, on page 97 according to the chart, it explains : What happened at this time ? It goes on to say that " Jehovah entrusted rulership over to his own son, Jesus Christ, glorified to the heavens."

    now read the last sentence of the following paragraph where it states " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur, including the "great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end."

    You see , The WTS taught that they knew when the kingdom in the heavens was established as well as when the end would come to this system of things on earth

    Acts1:7 Jesus said "it does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons."

    Mathew 24:36 states: "Concerning that day and the hour, nobody knows

    so with that said , the WTS don't know what time or season the kingdom in heaven was established. They don't know when this system on earth will come to an end.

    How come ? Cause the Bible said they ain't gonna know.

  • lisaBObeesa
    wasblind said: DEEGY baby, why don't you follow along with me in the reasoning book, on page 97 according to the chart, it explains : What happened at this time ? It goes on to say that " Jehovah entrusted rulership over to his own son, Jesus Christ, glorified to the heavens."
    now read the last sentence of the following paragraph where it states " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur, including the "great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end."


    "Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scen, all the things foretold will occur, including the "great tribulation" in which the present wicked world will end." --Matt 24:21, 22, 34.

    Then, interestingly, the Reasoning Book cites Matt 24:21, 22, 34. Weird, since those scriptures don't say anything about the world ending before the generation that saw 1914 passes away.

    Also, Why did they leave out Matt 24:23-36 in the citation? It really reads so much better all together...

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    DJEggnog, you mentioned on this thread:

    "Many Jehovah's Witnesses are professionals like myself and it would be unthinkable of any of us to suggest to anyone of our brothers or sisters that they should not pursue a college degree or a good education"

    I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But that is such a (dare I say) brazen misstatement - that I've found it hard to take you seriously from that point forward and I've only glanced at your unreadable tomes.

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