Special Dub Words That Make You Go YUK!

by Englishman 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I have been out for a very long time, but all terms you gave, are giving me flashbacks, Phew!

    JWinSF. that term doubtless or no doubt seemed fine at the time, but now as I look at it, doubtless really meant, we are not sure on this subject, so we will throw in this term to make our arguement look better.

  • Scully

    "scriptural admonition"

    "spirit of wifely subjection"

    "husbandly ownership"

    "patiently wait on Jehovah"

    "independent thinking"

    "spirit of the world"

    "true Christians" (in reference to JWs)

    "Babylonish" and "pagan"(in reference to all other religions)

    "spiritually strong" and "spiritually weak"


    "keeping a simple eye"

    "unevenly yoked"

    "persons" instead of "people"

    "peoples" instead of "people"

    etc. etc. etc.

    Love, Scully
    (of the Give Me Some Antacid Class)

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91

  • gumby

    Out in service
    There not very spiritual
    Their not real strong in the truth
    Innactive, irregular
    Are you going 'out 'tomarrow?
    I have a talk
    Is she a sister?
    A get together
    Some of "The Friends" are coming over
    He has a lot of 'knowledge'
    Turn in your time
    ......and on and on and...............

  • unanswered

    great topic, englishman. connielynn named the one that has always made me puke the most, "the friends". every time i hear my mother-in-law use that one, i want to ask her if she means the child molesting "friends", the holier than thou "friends", the hypocritical "friends", or what. - nate

  • PopeOfEruke


    Whenever I read this word in a WT I could literally grab a knife and kill. "Soon" by whose clock? What does "soon" mean??

    The other one I hated was "system of things ". What sort of "things"? Green slippery slimy "things"? Metallic springy wiry "things"? And can you have a system of something other than "things"? Isn't the "things" redundant?

    They're insane.

    The Pope

  • proplog2


  • Princess


    I haven't heard anyone use it in a sentence since I left. Used to love it when it was in the "study article" (another one) and the reader would stumble over it.

    There was a young brother in our hall who got his hair cut really short like one of his buddies so my husband coined the phrase "Bad associations spoil useful haircuts". Always cracked me up.

    "brother and sister" yuck...call me by my first name please.

    "new light" 'nuf said on that one.


  • cellomould

    used often in WT study comments:

    'also too...'

    in prayers:

    'the whole worldwide association of brothers'

    'thank you for this day of life'

    'your lofty throne'

    'sin and fall ashort' ha ha ha :)

    gosh, there are so many more that I can't remember at the moment


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • PopeOfEruke

    I remembered another one : propitiatory.

    But rather than annoying, it was actually fun watching and hearing every goddamn speaker mispronounce it. I laughed really hard, till I got a talk #2 (Bible reading) of that damn passge with that word in it.

    How the hell is it pronounced anyway?

  • LB

    One thing about this spiritual head business. I've been trying for years to get some spiritual head. Then again I've never been inclined to give any spiritual head.


    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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