Special Dub Words That Make You Go YUK!

by Englishman 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoldDustWoman


    It annoys me to no end in what context the WTS uses this word.

    Who prefers upbuilding, well, *ahem*....back to the penis thread.

    Closed minds always seem to be connected to open mouths

  • Englishman

    "Up-building". Totally incomprehensible dub-speak. Means nothing to anyone, anywhere, almost on a par with "Points up".


    ..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.

  • razorMind

    My special faves.....

    "Similarly"--the WT reader consistently pronounced it, "sim-uh-LAIR-lee", used to drive me INSANE...

    "ones"--as in "discouraged ONES", "interested ONES", "such ONES", GOD I HATE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!

    "spiritual fruitage"

    "double life"


    "birth canal" and "male organ"--does anyone remember those articles (really old) titled 'A Father Talks to His Sons' & 'A Mother Talks to Her Daughters".

    and who could forget "Rendering the wife her due" (or some such shit, I forget the exact phrase)? ARRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!

    Many more.....

  • startingover

    I don't know why I was so stupid in my younger years, but when I was told it was a "privilege" to clean the hall I should have caught on.

    How about the word "visible" as in "visible in the field service" How I kept from telling them f u when they used that term on me I'll never know.

    I've gotta check out on this thread, I'm getting way to angry

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    There are only 2, for me.
    "organization" and "The Truth".These words make my blood pressure rise.

  • jaded

    All of the above, plus, "advertise, advertise, advertise". I wanted to scream whenever I heard that!

  • Thirdson

    Not sure if anyone mentioned this: "evidently". A word always used when there was the least evidence. "Evidently, Jesus appointed us as the FDS."

    My all time is hate is "the Truth". Nothing irks me more than people who call JW religion "the Truth", even worse when exJWs still call it "the Truth" and aren't being cynical.

    Mommiedark mentioned "happify" or "happifying". Some of my colleagues at work are frequently amused when I ask at the end of a meeting, "is everybody happy?". When asked whether I really cared if they were happy I said, "my goal at work is to make sure you are happified." I love that word, NOT.


  • hillary_step

    It is a phrase with me - always sinister in its implication:

    'Although Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, nevertheless......

  • ozziepost


    "nevertheless" - a variation on "however" ?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Scully

    "fortunate" sends shivers up my spine to this very day

    Love, Scully

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