So I just got called a narcissist

by sabastious 179 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • debator

    Hi simon17

    lol I go on the ministry I get a notable lack of invites into people's homes because I am a Jehovah's witness. You are holding a fact of life against witnesses.

    Religion isn't a hobby it is life and death choice and sometimes the reallity of that does come as a slap in the face. As Jesus says it does divide families and friends, it always has. It is a notable human condition that we gravitate to those that share the same goals as us and avoid those that don't.


    someone wants to keep the familial bonds strong they would have to respect their parents life-choice

    especially if they want to live in that home. I am a Jehovah's witness why would I invite anyone that says

    "I hate Jehovah's witnesses!" into my home? They are saying they hate me!.....debator/Reniaa

    It`s Brain Dead WBT$ Logic like that..That breaks up JW Familys..

    "Reject my JW Beliefs and You become my Enemy!"..

    There is no room for "Family Loyalty" in the WBT$..

    Accept the WBT$ JW Cult or Die!..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Who is doing the rejecting? Like I said earlier Religion is a life-choice if someone chooses a different life they are rejecting their previous one.

    Again, were you raised as a JW?

    I was. Your perception of "choice" is, for lack of a better term, f#cked up. You have this concept of free will that goes against everything "free will" should really mean.

    When did Sab (if born in) EVER have a choice in the matter without the fear of losing family and friends? Not once. There was no choice without alienating repercussions. It's like if you told an employee they have a choice to attend a conference call but, uh, if they choose not to, they're fired. So the employee calls his wife and says, "Honey, I've gotta attend a conf call, I can't make lunch."

    "Aw, you don't have any choice?"

    "Well, yeah, I do but if I don't attend I'm fired."

    "Okay, so you DON'T have any choice."

    "No, I do but...."

    BY DEFINITION, THAT IS NOT FREE WILL! Purple is not yellow. Green is not orange. Red is not blue. They stand at opposite ends.

    If someone wants to keep the familial bonds strong they would have to respect their parents life-choice especially if they want to live in that home. I am a Jehovah's witness why would I invite anyone that says "I hate Jehovah's witnesses!" into my home? They are saying they hate me!

    I haven't argued that. Parents can make whatever rules they like for family members living in their home. Why are we discussing this?

    They would be unable to hide it and the consequences of believing this. The scenario of this debate is not just rejecting a religion you were brought up in but actively fighting against it as a life-choice.

    So again, perhaps you could stop evading my question about the Mormon family and just answer it.

  • simon17

    Orange walls is a sign of narcissism

  • sabastious
    Orange walls is a sign of narcissism

    lol! Hey that is my sanctuary office/music room!


  • Watchtowers Witnesses
    Watchtowers Witnesses

    Debator said:

    The question is why do you have to be so actively apposed to witnesses?

    I imagine the Governing Body is wondering the same thing. Why couldn't it be like it was in the past, when the majority of Ex-JW's faded into the shadows. I bet they loved that. Times have changed, the walls of the Tower are slowly crumbling. The Watchtower CULT is being exposed for what it is. Cue the persecution complex from JW's every time someone speaks out against their forced "beliefs".

    I can’t speak for Sabastious, but the reason I’m actively opposing the society is because they are a dangerous cult that the public should be warned about. By speaking out we also make it easier for someone to walk away from the cult and begin the healing process. I know you don’t understand my point Debator, but some day you might see things differently.

    Sabastious, Your parents are trying to use guilt and shame to force you to stop speaking about JW’s. Notice the emotional blackmail too. They have been programmed well by the Society. The way I see it is that someone has to stand up against the Society. Instead of just going along with the group, we have to speak out about what is right. We can’t just be another shill for the Cult. It’s certainly not easy to stand apart from the group and face the ensuing shunning. But we have to end the cycle of mental abuse. We are doing the right thing by not playing a part in infecting the next generation with the Watchtower’s mind virus.

  • sabastious
    "I hate Jehovah's witnesses!" into my home? They are saying they hate me!.....debator/Reniaa

    99% of "apostates" never say they hate JWs. They hate the utilitarian government that is called the Watchtower. Most apostates sympathize with the members because many of them are trapped.


  • sabastious
    They have been programmed well by the Society.

    "I can see Obi-wan has traiend you well"


  • SweetBabyCheezits
    As Jesus says it does divide families and friends, it always has.

    I agree that religion has always divided families, Debator. But for the sake of argument, if all religions but one are wrong, does that justify dividing of all the non-JW families?

    This is one thing that helped me realize that Judeo-Christian infrastructure and the bible are all about control. That something so subjective can have such a powerful effect on an otherwise loving bond is sickening.

    It is a notable human condition that we gravitate to those that share the same goals as us and avoid those that don't.

    Agreed. Many folks on this board are seeking truth, which shares no goals as bias or prejudice.

  • sabastious
    The way I see it is that someone has to stand up against the Society.

    The only way out of utilitarian rule is through revolution.

    I love that nowadays we don't have to murder leaders to stand up against them. We can unite in non-violent protest that actually makes a difference via the internet.


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