jw splinter groups

by bigmac 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • crazyblondeb

    Ynot....you can send ur payment to me!!

    I'll bless you and say NO hail marys!!

  • smiddy

    When I was new in the "truth" I was working with a P.O. and came to an establishment who he said was a religious offshoot of jehovah`s witnesses,the" Beroean Bible Institute",this was in Melbourne .Vic.Australia,about 1960`s (around the kew area if I remember right)


  • Joliette

    If you ever told any current and active JW that Jehovah's Witnesses have spliter groups, they'd give you a Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin look...duh!...and then run away with there awake's and watchtower's flying in the air, trying to catch them.

    The dubs are in the dark ages.


    For Jesus to return the passage Matthew 24.45-50 come to pass .It implies there must be a faithful servant who has his flock under strict control.He rules over the flock. There cannot be two organizations at the same time coexisting before Jesus' return.

    Unless such organization is a free -organization where all are equal and can teach the Bible in gatherings.No rituals are observed .

    The Dawn movement would fit this picture but they show enimosity towards Jehovah's Witnesses who have special servants from the 144000 class among them .

    I am not a Jehovah's Witness .I am on my own and don't gather with any other human being and yet sympathize with Jehovah's Witnesses to be in agreement with Luke 9.49-50.You can be oustide but cannot be against "them".

    There is no organization that fits Matthew 24.45-46 that must be fulfilled in the endtimes if our times are indeed the endtime era.


    They can use Matthew 24.45-46 to beat you up if you oppose them .There is no other strict organization that you can put in their place .You must have the servants in it that claim to be from the 144000 class of servants who feed the flock under them ,over which they have a complete control.

    I realize that and that is why I go by Luke 9.49-50 .

    I am the one who is outside and serve God Yahweh and Jesus but I am not against Jehovah's Witnesses .You can see that I included them in the period of 120 years preceding the coming of Jesus.


    google group to visit is alt.religion.jehovahs-witn .Find my one post and click on "more options" and then on" find messages by this author " amd you can retrieve my past messages there.

    Unless we locate a faithful servant as per Matthew 24.45-50 we cannot talk about the returning of Jesus and the end of the world yet.

  • wasblind

    Hey OBVES,

    this Organizations does fit the description of a false prophet in Dueteronomy18: 21-22

    that's why they left this very important scripture out of the whole chapter under False Prophets

    in the reasoning book.

  • wasblind

    OBVES says he's not a JW,

    and if you have never been or associated with any you need to go back where you came from

    You sound more off the wall than any JW I ever knew

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Has any JW splinter group has any significant growth?

    Think About It

  • Leprechaun

    “Don't forget the Bible Student groups which probably pre-date your lifetime but they still exist.”


    Blondie - The Bible Student groups you mention have nothing to do with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, don’t forget that Russell died back in 1916, the hostile take over was shortly after his death, the Witnesses started calling themselves “Jehovah’s Witnesses back in 1933, u nder the direction of Joseph Rutherford, he was the one who came up with all the outlandish ideas of controlling people who may have been observing holidays, on down to blood, and everything else in between. The Bible Students back then, and at the present time are so far removed, from the off the wall views of the Jehovah’s Witness that they appear sparkling clean in my view.

  • Leprechaun

    Correction :

    In 1931 Rutherford decided to make a distinction between the independent Bible Students and those loyal to him. He changed their name to “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” The Society had become what they themselves ­abhorred in Christendom—a little Babylon. Those Bible Students remaining within the Society heard the admonition, “Get out of her my people!” and fled. (Un-quote most Jehovah’s Witnesses have no clue concerning their own history.)

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