jw splinter groups

by bigmac 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bigmac

    Jookbeard wrote:

    "They are globally united in their beliefs;

    not true there are many splinter groups and sects of the WTS and they have the worse retention rates of any man made religious cult on the planet"

    admitting my ignorance, having been out of the loop so many years, this info about splinter groups is news to me.

    can anyone shed further light (groan) on this?

    any group titles, membership numbers, publishing books etc.?


  • blondie

    Don't forget the Bible Student groups which probably pre-date your lifetime but they still exist.


  • Caminante


    Bigmac, check this Wikipedia page on general information. There's also a link on the several (more or less) independent Bible Students groups (collectively called 'the Bible Student movement'), more or less organized groups of individuals ceasing association with the Watch Tower Society before 1931, when they adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses". But the article centers around groups splitting off Jehovah's Witnesses after that time. For example, in Eastern Europe, during the Communist regime, many brothers did not accept changes in teachings such as using the term "religion" with regards to true worship (1950 Watchtower) or applying the term "superior authorities"/"higher powers" to secular rulers, rather than Jehovah God and Jesus Christ as it was understood before (1962 Watchtower).

  • GrandmaJones

    I think when I googled "beliefs similar to Jehovah's Wittnesses" quite a few things came up. (Including the Mormons!)

  • GrandmaJones

    Also, check out jwfacts, that's a real eye-opener

  • yknot

    Making link clickable: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah's_Witnesses_splinter_groups

    Mark Heber Miller comes to mind.....


    so does Greg Stafford and the Christian Witnesses of Jah


  • bigmac

    thankyou for your help ladies, i have been reading the links, some of the info i do now recall.

    Horrible thought though-------------perhaps we all could start a new religion----------aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhh

    but any suggestions as to what we could call it?-----the ruder the better-------come on -let rip

  • cantleave

    Big Mac I reckon we should start our own cult. We'd make loads of money.

  • garyneal

    Back when the first season of The Apprentice was on the air, I was thinking of a similar series called The Prophet.

    You'd have all these people claiming to have special connections with their god all trying to win as many people to their movement as possible.

  • yknot

    I think a religion in which a person paid for exemption from their sins would make tons of cash!!!

    We could expand into those 'walk of shame' emergency kits including a 19.95 expemption for a rare one night stand and a revolving $ 49.95 monthly membership for unlimited sin!

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