jw splinter groups

by bigmac 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    One of the earliest splinters still meets near me. They were formed in 1909 when CTR's first emissary to Australia, Henninges and his wife Rose (of certain notoriety) defected and formed the New Covenant Fellowship. They are buried at nearby Burwood cemetery.

    "Somewhere" I have a copy of a letter written about the time complaining that Rutherford was illegally wresting power and control of the WTS. You only need read of Rutherford's physical abuse towards those who had legitimate right in accordance with CTR's will.

    Rutherford was not named in CTR's will as a primary inheritor to leadership of the WTS.


    During CTR's time, the organisation was democratic, but Rutherford was intent on creating an autocratic top-down "theocracy" in which his right to rule could not be challenged. While in jail in 1919, Rutherford was deeply troubled by the potential outcome of the voting and he vowed to change the system, which he achieved.

    A Google search for each of the names mentioned in CTR's will reveals the history of some of the numerous splinters that formed following CT's death.


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