What would you do with a Time Machine?

by oldlightnewshite 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    I actually liked that movie, Darth! Ashton Kutcher was actually ok in it, imo.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Oh yeah the Movie....

    I liked the Directors cut better.

  • serenitynow!

    I loved the Butterfly Effect! That is something I've wondered about, if you changed major events in the past, how would it effect the future?

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    It's almost like playing God,,,

    Ok I'm in Let's see what Darth can Do to the Earth. POOF!!!

    Whoops well that didn't work

  • oldlightnewshite

    What's the old phrase....?.... 'if a butterfly farts in Tokyo, then you get a niffy hurricane in Florida'? .... either that or darth's armageddon.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    All I did was warn Custer what was waiting for him on the other side of that Hill!

  • KW13

    A very good thread.

    Despite some of the pain i have felt, i wouldn't change a damn thing. I wouldn't risk not having the beautiful family i have now. In fact i'd visit some of the best moments in my life just to relive them again.

  • pirata

    I would go back to the 1C and see if Jesus of Nazareth really existed and if what he taught matches the gospels.

    Then I'd go back about 4000 years earlier and see if there really was only Adam and Eve in a garden of Eden.

  • oldlightnewshite

    Yep, I'd definitely go back to Eden to see Eve.

    'Hey Eve, wanna see a talking snake?'

    I wouldn't want to go back to relive the best bits of my life. I'd want to be able to use the time machine for longer than 10 minutes.

    1,000 years into the future. Now there's a thought. Like HG Wells' Time Machine. The Morlocks living underground by day, coming out at night to hunt unsuspecting Dubs in their paradise earth.

  • pirata

    Go into the future 1000 years and see what the updated explanation of the generation is in the 3010 Watchtower.

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