The 50 Ways to Be Disfellowshipped

by Wild_Thing 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    If the elders find out that you know about them covering up a guy whom they reinstated that was still doing illegal activities, and you wanted to leave quietly, they will stalk you and sit outside your property for over four hours until you come and unlock the gates.

    If you don't want to listen to them call you names like apostate and you start to walk away from them, they will df you right there on the spot. Then, the idiots will go back to the hall and talk it over with the third elder for almost nine hours (to get their time in) and then call the wife to tell the husband he has officially been df'd at midnight. At least that's what happened to us.

    It doesn't stop there, after you have been df'd, the elders will go to some of your neighbours and tell them that you speak badly of them and their organisation and that your husband is dangerous, aggressive and abusive. Again, that is what happened to us. Our neighbours called us and then told us they had to tell them to never come on their properties ever again. Watchtower I know your reading this and these idiot elders that you trained are actually from Elmira, On congregation. The one elder that did this has a motherinlaw who was charged by her own two kids for sexual assault. They made sure they flew her away until the elders up here could shut the congregation up. Please tell them to clean up their own backyard before they go and stalk others. The RCMP have been notified and their letter went straight over to this elder.

    These idiots had me df'd at the end of our lane as well and yet I wasn't there. I went to the co and he told them to give me a chance so I had sat thrgh six hours of a jc. It was a joke. I was publically reproved for discouraging all the young ones(who happened to all be related to the guy that we knew was doing illegal activities) from pioneering six years ago. The only thing that stopped me from getting df'd was I had taped my jc and had told them I would go public if they pull anymore bs. Bethel in Georgetown, On also got the transcript to my jc which afterwards I find out the elders made a bunch of apologies to the congregation as well as went to those they were questioning about me and apologised. We'll never get an apology. The org is a pit of rattlesnakes. Worse! At least with rattlesnakes you know when they are coming and are about to strike their deadly poison.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    You Just slip out the back, Jack
    Make a new plan, Stan
    You don't need to be coy, Roy
    Just get yourself free
    Hop on the bus, Gus
    You don't need to discuss much
    Just drop off the key, Lee
    And get yourself free
  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Label Licker -

    would you care to do coffee sometime -we might actually know each other - I am interested in the legal fallout of your situation as I am on a similar journey.

  • _Morpheus
    @bonds- Child sex abuse is listed as its own sin not as a subset of lose conduct. It is pornia broadly speaking.
  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was threatened with being DF'ed for causing divisions in the hall because I told a mom that one of the brothers who was holding and taking care of children while at the meetings and was having sleepovers at his home for children was a registered sex offender and was listed as such by the state we live in.


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    you can be d/f for being a fat lazy slob ?

    just as well i aint a dub no more.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Gone for good, you have a pm

    BOC I'm laughing because that's exactly what my husband did on our last night in the hall, dropped off the key and the elder still wanted him to have it. Especially after giving a short talk in front of the co on a Thursday night Theocratic Ministry school. It was suppose to be on Korah but he decided he would do it on how important keeping the Sabbath was to many.

  • Wild_Thing

    Thanks, JeffT, for the list of possible crimes listed in the Flock book. I can't believe they have narrowed all transgressions down to just those listed. I bet if we were to list off the ways to get disfellowshipped, the list would be quite long.

    Since I have been out (13-14 years now), I have done at least 50 things and they felt great!

  • Simon

    You can sum it up like this:

    It doesn't matter what you do, if you fall in line and are a follower then you are OK. You can be Jack the Ripper and they will welcome you.

    On the other hand, if you just question their authority (or 'divinity') then it doesn't matter if you have lived a 100% squeaky clean life and know the bible backwards, you will be kicked out.

    That is what results in them keeping and defending child abusers while kicking out those who stand up against such things and in doing so show up their lack of divine inspiration.

  • Vidiot

    The Searcher - "The Org will start a continual worldwide witch-hunt to root out anyone who frequents web sites such as this."

    As far as I'm concerned, any "witch hunts" they conduct are - in the long run - doing the victims and their families a favor by revealing the Org's true colors.

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