I just want to cry

by sabastious 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnonJW

    Yep, you need a good cry friend. I was raised in the same way - not to let it out.

    Try this:


  • sabastious
    Being unable to cry leaves me feeling pent-up, unreleased...

    Very much the way I am feeling right now, and sorry about your pet :(

    Thank you all for your loving replies.


  • TD
    ...it's so hard for me to let out the tears. I think it has to do with how my dad raised me. Crying was very looked down upon.

    Same here. A little alcohol now and then works wonders.

  • elderelite

    first rule of fight club

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    yeah, it's a stinker.

    You want to be able to tell them the real story straight up - but you know it won't work.

    You have to be strategic. It takes effort to get through. It takes time and patience. BUT YOU CAN GET THROUGH.

    The real truth has a way of shining through - even through the darkest and powerful forms of mind control. We are evidence that this is so. Therefore never give up.

    Your restricted tears of pain, will turn to flowing tears of joy when the ones you love are free from the tryranny of the WT.

    Peace be with you.

    The Oracle

  • elderelite

    fight club works in a weird sort of way as a WT analogy...

    main character is deceived by himself and dosent understand the full depth until the very end. And in the end, the only way he can free himself from the delousion (and poor spelling) is to shoot himself. Sounds like he was an elder!

  • sabastious
    Sounds like he was an elder!

    I've never met a contented elder, they all look like bugs bunny when he's sea sick on a boat.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I wish you could release it also Sabastious. It does help but I don't know any formula. Maybe some music that effects your emotions would help. I wish you and CoCo the best.

  • Joshnaz

    Hi. I know we're not much but ALL of us have gone through what your going through and alot of people on this site really care about eachother. We have been there or are currently going through these steps of exit as you are. We are all alike in a way so feel welcome.

  • Ding


    Maybe your other emotions are just more dominant... like anger.

    One thing I like about the OT is the honesty of the Psalmists and prophets.

    Look at Psalm 3:7: "Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked."

    Not very spiritual sounding, but honest, raw emotion.

    How about Jonah 4:9: "But God said to Jonah, "Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?" "I do," he said. "I am angry enough to die."

    No "theocratic" language, this, but honest emotion.

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