Hypocrisy Within My Own Family

by Reborn2002 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wonderwoman77

    Hey Reborn,

    Good post in the beginning, no need to flip out about people not responding. I just now got on, I have been at school and work all day, but some people just have time to read some posts while at work and do not have time to respond to every post that is posted. I understand you are highly frustrated and rightly so. The movie thing is very hypocritical. But so is about 75% of what JW do in my opinion.

    Hey how come you never say Hi to me on msn, I always have to say hi to you?

  • flower


    sometimes you have to be patient with replies different people read them at different times of the day and week. i only just saw this one now and boy can i relate. but it was so late that i almost went to bed without responding. but then i saw your post a little farther down. you gotta take into consideration that everyone cant possibly respond to every post they read. it just takes too much time. im sure there is no big conspiracy with only responding to certain people.

    anyway, i always thought my family was the biggest hypocrites on earth. that is one of the main reasons i faded. my dad is an elder and watchtower conductor and he is a big star wars fan. he never goes to the movies to see anything but when the new star wars came out last year or whenever that was he was there. but at the same time my son isnt supposed to watch the Dragontales cartoon on PBS because dragons are spiritism or something.

    if they just thought for a second about how stupid they act they would maybe see it too.

    well gnite.


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    WOW Reborn...

    You got flames!!!



  • Thirdson


    We know where you are coming from. Don't feel bad I read lots of posts and often don't post something. You don't know who has read what and don't know the impact you have on them.

    The very worst of this board often get the most posts on their hateful, prophetic, or condemnatory posts, but I doubt such ones are amongst the most respected. I appreciated your original post, don't lose heart.


    P.S. Tonight I learned that adding the "F" word has a powerful affect on ratings. This went from a "PG" to an "R" and there was a rush at the box office. I'll try to remember that next time I post something.

  • Carmel

    Shit! I had no idea the point of posting was to get cudos!

    There, you happy?

    goin back to my cave

  • Quotes

    My parents hypocrisy:

    I had them over for the weekend about 18 months ago (they have not been back since, their choice, not mine). A friend at work had strongly recommended the movie "The Usual Suspects". I had never seen it before, but the recommendation was so strong, I rented it as the evening's entertainment.

    So we sit through the opening scene, where someone is brutally beat-up or shot or something (I forget which, but is was pretty violent). Then, 5 minutes into the film, there is the scene with all these criminal types together at the police station. Being criminals, thier language was pretty "salty": "F***-this" and "mother-F***er" that... but hey, they are criminals, that choice of dialog was accurate for the scene, no?

    Well after about 30 seconds of the language, my parents announce that they can't continue to watch this, because of the language.

    They got pretty upset when I pointed out that they weren't offended by the opening scene of violent murder, but simply naughty words were too much to watch. Imagine! Naughty words are worse than murder! Pretty hypocritical.

    When my dad sheepishly admitted that he "didn't care for the violence" either (although he didn't complain when it was on-screen, only after when I pointed out his warped sense of values, where swear words are more offensive than scenes of murder) I suggested that he should not read his bible, since it is filled with terribly violent passages.... WOW, he didn't like that at all. :)

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • malian

    hey wanna hear about some hipocrisy????
    my ex was a jw that wouldnt budge no matter what i said to him.
    funny thing is, he (within the past year or so) has become an alcoholic and pothead.
    just had to get that out...
    keep postin :)

  • KissAFish

    It is a typical and not surprising story, sorry to hear it though ..but in my family.. ( I am 26 and have been out for nearly 10 years)..the JW numbers are falling...so there is hope yet.. !!!

    "There is a little bit of Italy in all of us"..hehehe

  • KissAFish

    It is a typical and not surprising story, sorry to hear it though ..but in my family.. ( I am 26 and have been out for nearly 10 years)..the JW numbers are falling...so there is hope yet.. !!!

    "There is a little bit of Italy in all of us"..hehehe

  • KissAFish

    Ahhh ..I cant believe I double posted.. put it down to being a newie..and Australia's internet being run by sheep power..LMAO.. ! I'll keep practising...!!!

    "There is a little bit of Italy in all of us"

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