Hypocrisy Within My Own Family

by Reborn2002 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prisca

    Hey Reborn,

    How ya going? Remember me? Anyway, I just want to say I totally understand how you feel re your rellies' hypocrisy. Rather than blast them in front of your nephew, save your comments for a time when they aren't expecting it. Perhaps when they accuse you of something, and then you'll have some ammunition to fire back at them.

    I know the delicate balance in wanting to keep the peace for the sake of continuing to see your nephew. It's like a bribe hanging over your head - be a good little JW and you can see your family; be a naughty person and you'll never see them grow up. It's a delicate balance, and only you will know how to keep that balance.

    Hang in there buddy.

  • MadApostate

    Hey Reborn:

    This place is worse than any KH I ever attended, and there's been a few too many of those.

    As you probably already know, any reference to me which is not negative only puts you in the crosshairs of the multiple cliques here which only exist in some people's imaginations.

    I understand how you feel about your brother and sil. My family is the same way. Anything they do is fine, but everything I do is scrutinized to the x power.

    Keep posting good topics like this one and some of the non-affiliated folks will gravitate towards you. Also, denounce me at least once a month, and things will improve.

    Hang in there!!!

  • Xena

    Hey Reborn,

    I promise I was not one of the 50...I just saw this when I got on tonight!!!!

    My JW niece was just here...so I can understand your frustration...I had to listen to her explain to me why I am not happy...uuumm Ok But like you I put up with stuff..cause well hey at least she doesn't shun me, right?

    My older sister walked out on Croc. Dundee (I had rented the movie to watch at my parents house) because of the one part of the movie where the woman is wearing a thong swimsuit..then I find out later she is watching "married with children" lol...yes they are hyprocrites!!!!

    Hey wait a minute...did you post on any of MY threads???? I am going to go and check..so you better get busy mister!!!!!

  • Reborn2002

    Wow.. I get a bit emotional and post an obscenity.. and all of a sudden people want to respond. LOL

    I apologize if it offended anyone, Im sure you can understand it is mere human tendency to be flustered from time to time.

    I genuinely do appreciate the comments.

    Xena.. ;) If I dont respond to a post you started, I always make sure to say Hi on MSN if I see you, if only to wish you well.

    MadAp.. the SAME thing with me. My bro can do no wrong in the eyes of my family, and as for me?... everything is under a microscope.

    Prisca, you speak absolute truth in that respect. They (JW relatives) try to use it as leverage against you... what kind of Christian love is that? You can see and spend time with your niece or nephew ONLY on the condition you blindly adhere to WT doctrine? Gimme a break.

    Gopher.. thanks for the laugh man. On a day like this I certainly needed it.

    Puffs, thank you for the kind words. Id go eat those things if I wasnt a personal trainer. Chicago-style foods can pack on the lbs, and I mean quick. ;)

    out4good, davidgladden: Thank you sincerely for the kind words.

    expatbrit: Nice to know someone else can relate to wanting to unload WT BS on family. Fortunately enough I have over 45 years of bound volumes both WT and Awake from my grandfather who was in for about 50 yrs until his death. I also have a copy of "Pay Attention to Yourselves and All the Flock".. he was an elder and when he died I kept the book. When I bring up contradictions from the 70's versus now etc... I often get the "New Light rebuttal" then Ill say.. if the organization is Gods sole channel of communication and perfect.. (often times at least in my area if an elder or someone in authority has problems, you hear the "people in the organization arent perfect, but the organization is perfect" line) then why does direction change? Last time I checked God doesnt change.. only man's interpretation. Denial is such a powerful emotional response. My mere challenging the WTS in my family's eyes makes me less than human, and it pisses me off.

    DIM: While I appreciate your comment, I do have a grip. As you well know, thinking independently was a no-no and conforming to the authority of the elders even if they were blatantly wrong was something all within the Borg had to swallow. Frankly, Im enjoying my newfound freedom, and I refuse to bite my tongue for anyone. Ill say whats on my mind and if someone doesnt like it.. tough. "Why should anyone respect me?" I dont care if anyone respects me here or not, I dont need their approval. Alas what I stated was 50 views.. hence that many people at least viewed the topic but chose not to respond. That fact is indisputable. I also freely admit I was a tad upset, and understandably so at the time, so if anyone was offended by the harsh words.. oh well.

    Just setting a few things straight.

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites.

    www.geocities.com/latinloverchicago/Jason1.html for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • terafera

    LOL Xena!!!

    Yes, I just saw this thread, but after being told to 'F***' off, I didnt want to reply!

    You shouldnt take offense to not many people responding to your posts. I find that at almost every message board I've been to, I get little replies. Then I get offended, wonder why I'm always the oddball.. only to find a dumb post set afire!

    Personally, I try to post to a thread where I feel passionate about or can add my 2 cents. Sometimes I dont feel like I can say it eloquently enough or someone else said exactly what I was going to say. But lately I've been kinder to myself.. I dont think I need to be a brainy poster or spout off tons of rhetoric remembered from books I've read. I just say what I feel... it works for me!

    You will always find hypocrisy in every Kingdom Hall. I remember seeing a young married JW couple who were pioneers in line to see Halloween when it came out.

    Wanna hear a funny story? Related to me by a friend of a friend... this MS in the cong I used to go to was put on private reproof after he confessed to renting pornos and masturbating to them! Apparently his wife was gone on a trip and he fell to 'weakness'. LOL
    I would be so embarrassed to admit this to anyone.. let alone a JC!!
    I can hear it now....

    JC: so what kind of movie was this?

    brother beat-it: oh you know.. your regular porno.... women, men...

    JC: (udjusting his pants) yes.. but how many women? any blondes?

    brother beat-it: blondes? yeah, I guess there was one. anyway, I'm really repentant, have prayed to Jeh..

    JC: yeah yeah, pray about it. Back to the movie, what were they doing? Any 'toys' involved?

    brother beat-it: I'm not sure.. maybe a vibrator or something.. but back to the point, I am SO sorry that I ....

    JC: ok brother, this can go no further. I'm afraid we dont understand the full nature of this film, and can make no ruling until we view it! Is that DVD or VHS?

  • GoldDustWoman

    Ok Ok, Reborn, I will fess-up,

    "I" was one of those that looked but didn't post. I wasn't really sure how to respond. What came to mind was, and I will post it now,

    I otherwise did not have any personal experiences to relate to you. Other than my Father, I have not seen nearly of all my JW relatives in 20 years. I am clueless as to whether or not they watch R rated movies.

    I am not apart of any clique here, I can guarantee you that! Yes, there are many friendships here that go back a few years. That is to be expected. I have start threads that have been ignored or maybe only had one or two responses. I know it seems like you are yelling into the wind sometimes.

    I'm sorry to hear about your nephew. Unfortunately, family relationships are the big cost of expressing doubts about, or leaving the Borg. That is the power they hold over the heads of many.

    As far as your "fuck you" to the board. I will consider your state of mind when you typed that. No big deal. Careful though, don't say that to Xena or I when we are in chat, we may just consider that an "invitation".

  • Wren

    Reborn 2002, Read your post. (Finally got on line without someone looking over my shoulder.) I can sympathize with biting your tongue. JWs community often seems like a social club/pecking order. All the while proclaiming they are the chosen.

    "You want to watch evil movies but We don't!"(Just don't look in the bag and bust us)

    I've been inactive since 1985 but going along with the program just enough to keep my family/children together and appease extended family/congo in not getting DF'd. At this point I've been an atheist for 6 months, not even my husband knows, only my children, and biting my tongue all along the way. Lately a lot.

    Having the same conversation different place. It seems talking about any entertainment, especially, is a set up for getting the old what's appropriate put down. It's to the point of avoiding the subject. I hid all the R movies last summer when the glassy eyed hardliners came to visit.

    These seem to be the sacrifices made to be with loved ones.


  • DIM
    DIM: While I appreciate your comment, I do have a grip. As you well know, thinking independently was a no-no and conforming to the authority of the elders even if they were blatantly wrong was something all within the Borg had to swallow. Frankly, Im enjoying my newfound freedom, and I refuse to bite my tongue for anyone. Ill say whats on my mind and if someone doesnt like it.. tough. "Why should anyone respect me?" I dont care if anyone respects me here or not, I dont need their approval. Alas what I stated was 50 views.. hence that many people at least viewed the topic but chose not to respond. That fact is indisputable. I also freely admit I was a tad upset, and understandably so at the time, so if anyone was offended by the harsh words.. oh well.

    nah, you didn't offend me...i can understand how you felt. i just typed up a quick response in the midst of printing up all of the information off of Zev's website on the UN....never hold back from speaking your opinion....

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Reborn2002

    Thanks DIM :)

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites.

    www.geocities.com/latinloverchicago/Jason1.html for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • ElijahTheThird

    *chuckles* not even a few hours go by and you pop a cork because of no posts? Thats a bit short fused isn't it? Hell it was a good post, informative, and well wrote. What would many respond with?

    I think the key word for these times is ENDURANCE. But that might take a bit of patience too. *grins*

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