Should/Can I turn them in?

by AwSnap 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldlightnewshite

    Just dob them in. They're taking the p*ss out of everybody else who works.

    Your gut told you it was wrong. Go with it.

  • DaCheech

    it's no wonder our national debt is getting bigger.

    it's no wonder our taxes are going sky high.

    We know the attitute you guys have.......... "the goverment's got plenty of money to give".

    only the honest these days pay taxes.

  • beksbks

    You can't possibly know for sure what the circumstances are in this household. These programs are very strict, and no picnic (pun intended). I don't know what state they live in, but in NY for example this family of 3 would have to bring home about 1200.00 a month to qualify for Medicaid. They take a look at any property or assets as well. I think Food Stamps are slightly easier. Every dollar spent in Food Stamps generates something like 1.50 in economic activity.

  • DaCheech

    just give the info to the government, they will investigate.

    i'm sure if they "qualify": no one will suffer

  • beksbks

    Hey Cheech, just curious. I know you've mentioned you run your own business, may I ask what sort it is?

  • DaCheech

    this month's 15th was 3rd quarter tax day........... I just wrote a E-check friday for $4,000 to the US goverment, and a E-check for $7,000 to the nj sales tax dept.............. I know how it is to pay taxes

  • DaCheech

    and beks, there's about 4 people on this board who know what I do, and you're not one of them............

  • beksbks

    I'm just wondering, because I thought I saw you mention something about a grocery store, wondered if that was your business.

  • mrsjones5

    Should I just let this go? Is there anything I could say or do about it? I know lots of people do this, but these 2 people are so healthy and able bodied...its just not right. Not right at all.

    You don't really know what their circumstances are. It's not a picnic applying for food stamps, the process takes time and is arduous. Private information about finances and family stitutations have to be disclosed and proven because there are income guidelines. Believe me it's no walk in the park. And quite frankly I don't know who you can tattle to unless there's some kind of tipline like I think there is in San Deigo because there are privacy guidelines that have to be adhered to and their caseworker would not be allow to discuss their case with you.

    P.S. If you qualify for food stamps you might be qualified for Medicaid but depending on which state you live in it's not a guarentee and some states are better than others.

  • LisaRose

    I think if you know for a fact someone is commiting a crime, you should do something about it. But you don't know for a fact. You admit you don't have first hand knowledge, just hearsay. It doesn't sound like these people are total deadbeats to me. Yeah, maybe he could get a job in another field, but trust me, in this economy it's not that easy to find any job.

    It may look (on the outside) that these people are getting a free ride, but that can be deceiving. I have a friend who been on unemployement for quite a while. If you didn't know the situtation you might think she is just using the system as she is an accountant with considerable experience, if she's not working after a year, she just must not want to work, right? Do you envy her, as she is getting paid to just sit around and loaf?

    Here is her situation: She recently underwent treatment for cancer, suffers from extreme fatique and often has to drive 2 hours away to get treatments. This is her third bout with cancer in her lifetime. She has no imune system and puplic contact is dangerous for her. Still, she must prove she is looking for work and she does look every day for a job she can do. She has sent out hundreds of resume's, with little respnse. I don't know if it's because she is older or just the economy, or what. To get unemployment she has to prove she applied for at least 10 jobs a week, and give the name of the HR contact. The problem is most companies won't even give out the name of the HR contact, so it's a lot of work just to do that, basically this is a full time job. She is single and worries what will happen in December, when the unemployment runs out. In our state you don't get disability easily. Even if you are in a wheelchair and don't have the use of your hands, you are expected to put a pencil in your teeth and type on a computer and find someone to hire you.

    Still envy her?

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