Why Do Men Find It Hard to

by snowbird 73 Replies latest social relationships

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Listen to women for more than ten seconds?

  • SixofNine

    Quote: " If you've ever seen the movie 'UP', (kids), then you'll remember the dog that has a talking device, and it is constantly saying things... UNTIL... it sees a squirrel. Then everything stops in its world and it becomes completely still, says SQUIRREL, and stares only at the squirrel.

    Its like that."

    lol. yep.

  • snowbird

    Tec, never saw the movie, but I get the drift.

    I'm trying to understand because my teenage g'sons are beginning to act the same way.




    Syl, is this the daughter who keeps spending your money? Could be time to pass that priveledge onto a boyfriend I'm sure there will be more than a few worthy candidates.


  • miseryloveselders

    Several years ago I was in a supermarket. I walked in and knew exactly where I needed to go for whatever item my dad sent me to get. So I was walking kinda fast, as I hate shopping and wanted to get out of there ASAP. I walked by the cashiers and baggers, and there was this bagger who was one of the baddest women I've ever seen. I mean this woman was serious. Probably a college girl. You know how they sometimes chain off certain checkout aisles that aren't being used? Well I was so enthralled with her, that I walked right through the chains of the aisle two or three lanes from her aisle. When I did it, you heard this huge BAM!! Pieces of chains were falling from the sky. I walked through it so hard, that I ripped solid plastic and wood from the different sides of the aisles that the chains were attached to. I looked at what I did, and then I looked over at the hot bagger and said, "my fault." Then I turned around, walked out of the store and didn't go back in that store for a good year or so. I wouldn't recognize her today if I saw her again as since then I've seen way too many beautiful women to remember any one of them at random. But that day, she by far was the illest woman I've ever seen in my early 20ish life.

  • snowbird

    2014, my oldest is the one with perpetual money woes. She rejected the JW's.

    My youngest, a staunch, zealous JW, is the one who smiled at the young man.


  • tec

    Oh, Misery... thanks for a great laugh!


  • snowbird

    ROFL @ Misery!!!

    You men are some crazy!


  • Magwitch

    Syl...How wonderful to be young, beautiful and full of life. Let her enjoy the attention, like was mentioned, men cannot help it. The sad part is that the attention will not last forever. Case in point - I was out taking a walk with my beautiful 49 year old sister and my two teenage daughters. My sister and I were walking in front of my girls. A hot mustang pulled up and one of the males yelled "We really like the two in the back"

  • snowbird
    Syl...How wonderful to be young, beautiful and full of life.

    I know! She's working and going to college, to boot.

    "We really like the two in the back"

    I'll bet they did!




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