by You Know 113 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey You know,You did not answer my questions,you went off on a rant that had nothing to do with what I said.I did not say I have a universal truth.You implyed,you thought I had one.You are very good at living in LAH-LAH LAND.I will say to you again.Speaking about truth is not the same as speaking the truth.I also noticed your reply to plmkrzy.You said if you were aware of chid abuse you would go to the elders,instead of going immediatly to the police.You are as bad as the filth you and your religion protect!And you want to discuss scripture with me?I don`t think so Pediphile Protector!You can`t follow the rules of your religion,otherwise you wouldn`t be on this board.That makes you a hypocrate.You act like your above the people on this board,calling them immoral and corrupt.People like yourself who protect pediphiles are immoral.People like yourself who preach their religion but can`t live by it are hypocrates.You really don`t have much to offer to a decent person.In real life I wouldn`t have anything to do with a person like you.I`m sorry you came back to this board.You are a corrupt individual...OUTLAW

  • plmkrzy

    "I agree with you on that. I wouldn't stand by if I knew some
    child was being harmed. What do you mean though when you say
    that you would "take matters into your own hands"? / You Know"

    I mean that ,lets say that I was still a reg. or a member of
    WTBTS,after reporting it the Elders if something wasn't done
    STAT about it and it shouldn't take more that a few days
    after all something like this should be considered a priority
    on a list of things to do, I would go to the police along
    with the child welfare services and I would notify the disyrict attorneys office what I have done and that I expected them to
    follow up on it to make sure that the child welfare services
    were doing there job. And if that didn't work and the child
    was still being abused ,lets say in the home 4 instance, I
    would go over to the home, taking a few large tatooed, pisssst
    and ready to break heads bikers with me who would pick the
    spinny little monster up by the neck a put the fear of God in
    them in a way that they obviously have not expierenced it yet.
    I think thats pretty much what I would do.

  • You Know
    You Know
    You did not answer my questions,you went off on a rant that had nothing to do with what I said

    Sure I answered your questions. Maybe they were just a bit over you head.

    I did not say I have a universal truth.You implyed,you thought I had one.
    LOL. I was pulling YOUR chain "dude"! IKNOW you don't have anything remotely resembling the truth. I just wanted to see how you would deal with the challenge. Actually you passed, because you admitted that you don't have anything.

    You are as bad as the filth you and your religion protect!And you want to discuss scripture with me?I don`t think so Pediphile Protector
    LOL. Okay. I get it. Anyone who doesn't call immediately 911 when they hear of some alleged crime is a pedophile protector. I bet you would have been a great Block Captain in the old Soviet system. Maybe there will be some oportunities for you in the coming holocaust.

    You act like your above the people on this board,calling them immoral and corrupt.People like yourself who protect pediphiles are immoral.
    Many of them are immoral and corrupt. They brag about it. That's no revelation. It is just a fact. You probably are too.

    In real life I wouldn`t have anything to do with a person like you.
    Nor I with you. But I am glad we had this little chat. LOL

    / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know
    And if that didn't work and the child
    was still being abused ,lets say in the home 4 instance, I
    would go over to the home, taking a few large tatooed, pisssst
    and ready to break heads bikers with me who would pick the
    spinny little monster up by the neck a put the fear of God in
    them in a way that they obviously have not expierenced it yet.
    I think thats pretty much what I would do.

    Good for you. Then I am sure that you appreciated the way the 11 Tribes handled thing with Benjamin over the Gibeah affair.

    / You Know

  • plmkrzy

    well I do know that at least with one case, Not only did it NOT make matters worse but the creep ran away from home, to everyones delite.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Again, I congratulate you. / You Know

  • plmkrzy

    It'l be a great day if and when this kinda crap
    is a thing of the past.
    Take care


    Hey You Know,Like I said You did not answer my questions.I doubt your childish dribble goes over many peoples heads.I`m happy you understand the 911 thing.Its the right thing to do.You seem to be a little thick headed about what I said about truth.I will try one more time maybe you`ll get it this time.Speaking about truth is not the same as speaking the truth.In this regard I do have something,I have the ability to distinguish between the two.One is bullshit,One is real truth.You are a pretty crazy dude.I don`t know whether to choke you or take you out for a beer..LOL...OUTLAW

  • You Know
    You Know

    If you are so truthful go back and tell me which questions you suppose that I didn't answer. Otherwise admit that what you really mean is that I just didn't give the answers that you wanted me to.

    / You Know


    Hey You Know,Why do you blow so much smoke?There were only two questions.They are easy to find.They are the sentences with the question marks at the end of them.I really didn`t expect you to answer them.But being your so adamant that you answered my questions,I`ll give you another chance.Go one page back from this one.Go to the very top of the page and you`ll find my post with only two questions in it. Did you used to do a lot of drugs?You don`t seem to be able to keep track of what you do or say...OUTLAW

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