Joliette's mom says: 'Can you imagine how good sex is gonna feel in the new system?' WTF?

by Joliette 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joliette

    What in the world...I was like, mom, sex feels pretty damn good now. How much better could it get?

  • miseryloveselders

    How'd you get into that conversation?

  • elderelite

    Dont know but you used the word sex in a thread so i'm posting to show my support.

    on a serious note JW's always think everything is going to be better, even breathing, "in the new system"... its all about the carrot.. a little more service and then you'll SEE for yourself just how much better sex could be. Oh, and the other one is they always want to talk about how Jesus, being perfect, experianced things MORE and BETTER than we do. They especially like to talk about that in respect to pain. But they always want to tell you that in the new world pain will be no more. AS if stubbing your toe wouldn't hurt.. go figure

  • Joliette

    Elderelite: We need a sheperding call asap! LOL.

    Yeah, whenever sex is mentioned, its sure to get everyone's attention.

    Dont know why moms brought that one up. Trust me, I wasnt even talking about sex she just said it all of a sudden.

    I'm like mom, whoa, tmi mom, tmi.

  • unshackled

    Remember this old myth: When the new system arrives we finally will get full use of our brains, as we only use 10% now. I remember JWs would talk about how smart we're going to be and imagine the technology we'll discover. Maybe being smarter would help with the sex? Telepathic sex maybe?

  • LostGeneration

    Interesting....never heard that one before, that might get me back into the org......NOT!

    Anyway, you might ask her if she dies and gets resurrected, how is she going to get to have sex? Isn't the teaching still that there is "no marriage in the resurrection" meaning there aren't going to be many getting sex, and all the rest are going to be jealous that they dont get to have any.

  • yknot

    Yea JWs will be enjoying lots of sex cuz Freddie is gonna make up for time he wasted down here being all asexual!

    Oral sex Evening will be mandatory at least twice a week!

  • Joliette

    Miseryloveselders: Mom just said it to me in the middle of a phone convo one day. I'm like what in the world, she is truly drunk off the JW kool aid. Is there an Awake or Watchtower on this? Its good that she was being honest, it just sounded kinda weird to me.

    I wonder if da judge rutherford ever wrote articles on sex in the new system? Or Nathan Knorr?

  • elderelite

    lolz, Joliette.... when some brings something up its because its on their mind for some reason.. out of the hearts abundance the mouth speaks and all that...

    and I'm not touching that call with a ten foot pole

  • miseryloveselders

    Miseryloveselders: Mom just said it to me in the middle of a phone convo one day. I'm like what in the world, she is truly drunk off the JW kool aid. Is there an Awake or Watchtower on this? Its good that she was being honest, it just sounded kinda weird to me.

    I wonder if da judge rutherford ever have articles on sex in the new system? Or nathan Knoor?

    thats just weird. Maybe she was reading the Song of Solomon or something? I'm at work, but going off of memory, I can't ever recall an article praising sex, and how wonderful it will be in the Noo Sistum. Where's Blondie at?

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