"There's really no good reason why we should turn our time in late"

by Crisis of Conscience 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you are depressed, upset, battered by your husband, fretting about paying the rent, or even suicidal, you might get some help from the elders. I doubt it, but you might. Don't turn your recruiting time in, you will definitely get a call from them.

  • wannabefree

    My current congregation service group whatever you call it rides our backs to get it in by the sixth ... but my Secretary friend from another congregation let me in on a little secret, the report information can be entered via a web site and doesn't have to be done until some time around the twentieth.

  • lovelylil2


    So true. My hubby and I were witnesses for more then a decade and got 1 shepherding call when we were newly in. But we must have had a dozen calls and drop ins by elders looking for our time sheets!

  • WTWizard

    I stopped turning in my time late in 2005. Now I don't turn it in at all--nor do I do any field circus to turn in.

  • bigmac

    can i send in a service report this month?

    lets see---- total hours spent reading & writing to apostate internet sites-----

  • BluesBrother

    lovelylil said

    I thought for sure he was there to see how I was doing and would pop in to my room any moment to offer condolences. When he didn't but left instead, I went out to my hubby and asked where brother so and so went? He said he left. He was only there to see if we had time slips to hand in for the month!

    That is APPALLING! but so totally believable..In our house it is a standing joke that the only time an elder wants to speak to my(still active) wife is when her report is late.......What is it with these anally retentive, figure chasing, tick box mentality morons??

    I was a secretary for many years but I never harassed anybody for a report ...If it was late or never...So What?? I used to be always late posting it off to Bethel. They sent snotty reminders now and again but I laughed them off. There are two sorts of secretary, the ones who see it as a means to the end of helping those who may need or want help in their "ministry" , a necessary chore........and the secretaries who love to bang their drum and make it sound important - those who just love tabulating figures and frigging around with little pieces of paper and working out averages and percentages - for His Nibs , The C/O..

    Sadly, it seems that most of them today fall into the latter category.

    I was talking to a Cong. Sec the other week. He confirmed (as somebody said above)that it is all done through the website jw.org nowadays, not posted by mail. He also downloads Cong Letters from it, with a passcode . I would love to have access....

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Lately a JW friend of my wife has been calling her about 9:05 am. When she calls my wife always inquires what she is doing/ up to...The response is always 'getting ready for field service/ meet with group.' I told my wife she is using her (my wife) to get her time started! Did I mention this friend recently started pioneering. OOOHHHHH can you just feel the love and empathy they have for there fellow man?

    I watch some brothers troll thru our Rosa Parks transit center (bus depot.) Thes brothers were just walking offering the rags to passerby's not really engaging in conversation, just sticking the rags in peoples faces and the few who accepted they did not even pay attention to them just kept moving on.

  • MrMonroe

    Anyone seen the range of iPhone apps for counting time witnessing? Some lame-arse JWs have been putting rave reviews on them about how it is helped them simply their life by ... wait for it ... noting down their hours and placements instead of that much more time-consuming process of writing it down on a piece of paper. Some other moron expressed his concern about whether "the brothers" approved of such thing and suggested others "research" the matter or ask their elders!

    It is just such an offensive concept. Could they imagine Jesus keeping a tally of the number of people who listened to him and writing down the number of hours and minutes he spent "in the work"? If the Governing Body decided it was no longer obligatory to turn in reports, I'll bet JWs' devotion to witnessing would evaporate pretty quickly.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    According this the drama at this summer's Discrap Crapvention, the Christians who evidently fled to Pella, also evidently kept attendance records for their five weekly meetings and turned in their field service records of hours, placements, and return visits... on time.

  • serenitynow!
    Lately a JW friend of my wife has been calling her about 9:05 am. When she calls my wife always inquires what she is doing/ up to...The response is always 'getting ready for field service/ meet with group.' I told my wife she is using her (my wife) to get her time started! Did I mention this friend recently started pioneering. OOOHHHHH can you just feel the love and empathy they have for there fellow man?
    I watch some brothers troll thru our Rosa Parks transit center (bus depot.) Thes brothers were just walking offering the rags to passerby's not really engaging in conversation, just sticking the rags in peoples faces and the few who accepted they did not even pay attention to them just kept moving on.

    I don't know which is worse, her using your wife to start her time, or her calling you at 9 AM to do it. Calling me at 9 AM for anything is a big no-no! A couple sisters I knew would start their time by shoving a tract into the hand of the hapless fast food drive-thru worker before the group met.

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